Ray Lodge #223

June 1, 2002

Welcome to the Ray Lodge #223 Information Letter.

In our hectic times it has been increasingly difficult to keep in touch with fellow brethren, their families, and changes in Grand Lodge policy. With that in mind the Brethren have decided to send the members of Camden Lodge this Information Letter quarterly to keep you informed. It will contain information regarding our lodge, and area lodges, messages from our Master, up coming events, sickness and distress, and any other topic you may request. We hope you will find it informative, and helpful.

The current volunteer and editor for this letter is Brother Gary Foote. Gary has been an inactive member for the past few years, but now desires to become involved in the lodge, and Masonic work.

With the help of the Officers and the members of the lodge he hopes to make this letter a project that everyone can enjoy.


  Ada Lodge #444 Orrick Votes to Merge with Richmond

Earlier this year the attending members of Ada Lodge #444 voted to close the Orrick lodge, and merge with the Richmond lodge. When this decision was announced to the membership, the Orrick brethren rallied to support their lodge, and the vote to merge was tabled. Since the announcement attendance has risen, and with the assistance of Camden, and the members of other lodges, two degrees have been put on at Orrick. May the 23rd Adam Cain received his third degree at Ada Lodge #444. Brethren from Orrick, Camden, Richmond, and Odessa conferred the degree. DDGL Stan Massey was present and gave the lecture.

  Ada Lodge Officers for the year 2002/2003

Worshipful Master             J.T. Sparks

Senior Warden                         Delvin Robinson

Junior Warden                          Jerry Hannsz

Treasurer                                  Richard Goode

Secretary                                  Ken McAfee

The appointed chairs will be announced before installation.

Many of the Past Masters, and long time brethren of Orrick have returned to support for their lodge, and hope to raise the interest of all of their brethren.


  Messages from the east

From the Master of Ray Lodge #223

  Welcome to the first edition of our lodge newsletter, with others to follow on a quarterly basis.

We are lucky in our lodge to have so many proficient Master Masons, and also to have the current District Deputy Grand Master, and a past District Deputy Grand Lecturer as our members. This gives us a strong background for the members, young and old to fall back on for instruction and guidance in the mysteries of the craft. I am proud to have been Master this year.

Once a year we plan a night out for or members, and wives. A small token for all of the work that goes on in the background to make the fundraisers we have a success. If not for work of our dedicated members, their wives, and friends we could not raise the money needed to keep the lodge afloat. To all of these people I say “Thank You”, which in it self seems woefully inadequate.

 Members of the lodge have been working to improve, and maintain the building. There has been plumbing repairs, and painting done recently. In the near future we hope to have the concrete floor downstairs painted. We all appreciate the efforts of the brothers doing the work.

Until next time, have a safe and productive summer.

Fraternally Yours

John Long


District Deputy Grand Master Jim Rippy

Editorial by Jim Rippy

  I welcome, and appreciate this opportunity to address all of the members of Ray Lodge #223.

Camden Lodge is the place where I have been a proud member for many years. As DDGM it is my duty, and pleasure to visit all of the Lodges in my district. I can say without a doubt that many of the best men in all of the communities are Master Masons.

 Local Masonic leaders of the past recognized quality young men, and urged them to become members of the Masonic Community. There are quality young men in our communities that are willing, and able to take on the responsibilities of the Masonic Lodge, and it’s teachings, if only given the chance. Each one of us probably know of one or more such men. If Lodges of our size are to survive we need to bring these men into the Lodge, teach them the principles, and put them in chairs. Without these new members the small lodges will no longer be able to hold their charters. We in Ray Lodge are fortunate to have two new members that have taken chairs, and are quickly learning the ritual. Our aging membership need the new members to carry on the traditions. Approach that young man of good character, and invite him to become a member. You may be surprised at his willingness to learn, and proud to have him as a brother.

Recent changes in Ritual, and Degree work have angered, and frustrated many Brethren

Editorial by Gary Foote

The decision of the Grand Lodge to no longer require the candidates to return a proficiency in the degree work, and to have mass candidate degrees, was made out of necessity to keep the Masonic Lodge alive.

I personally do not like those decisions, but I do want the Masonic Lodge, and it’s principles to continue. Many of the things I do not like are beyond my direct control. So like many others I kicked the ground, grumbled, and got angry. None of those things changed what was happening. I realized that if I wanted the Masonic Lodge to continue I had to accept the situation as it was. I was dragged into the present, kicking and screaming all of the way, but being dragged all the same.

After thinking about this situation for a while, I realized that the candidates still have to petition our Lodge for membership, and have to be accepted by our members. We can, if we wish, do all of the degree work, and it is still our responsibility to teach our less informed brethren about the principles of our organization. With that in mind it seems that not that much has changed. It will take a little more effort on our part to teach our new, less informed brethren, but I think it is worth the effort. They will have to learn  from mouth to ear as many of us were taught from years ago. Now, more than ever, we need the learned brethren of our lodge to support that which we have so diligently worked, the continuation of our Lodge, and the teachings of our principles.


Current Officers of Ray Lodge #223

Worshipful Master             John Long

Senior Warden           Beuford Rogers

Junior Warden            Michael Persell

Secretary                      Robert Stonner

Treasurer                       Thomas James

Chaplain                   Doyle Ed Hughes

Marshal                    Graham C. Myers

Senior Deacon              Douglas Porter

Junior Deacon                  Robert Smith

Senior Stewart       Milton Mac Proffitt

Junior Stewart                   James Rippy

Tiler                          Michael Summers

Masonic Home Ed. Officer  Bill French

Masonic Home Rep.              John Long

Missouri District 15 Lodges, and Meeting


#57 Richmond Lodge, Richmond, 3rd Monday

#149 Lexington lodge, Lexington, 3rd Tuesday

#217 Barbee Lodge, Sweet Springs, 3rd Thurs.

#223 Ray Lodge, Camden, 1st & 3rd Thursday

#354 Higginsville Lodge, Higginsville, 4th Mon.

#444 Ada Lodge, Orrick, 2nd & 4th Thursday

#476 Mount Hope Lodge, Odessa, 1st & 3rd Thurs.

All lodges begin their meetings at 7:30PM


District deputy Grand Master 15th District

James R Rippy     Ray Lodge#223

District Deputy grand Lecturer 15th District

 Stanley E. Massey     Mount Hope Lodge #476

Grand Lodge This Year to be Held In Columbia Sept. 23 & 24  


If there are any additions, corrections, or deletions that should be made to this information letter,  or if any other Lodges in the 15th Masonic District wish to add information, please contact Brother Gary Foote. Phone # 816- 470-3973, or contact him via e-mail at gryfoote@aol.com. This information letter is distributed with the intent to give the local Brethren knowledge of what the local Lodges are doing, so they may, if they wish assist the Lodges in their work. May brotherly love prevail, and every moral and social virtue cement us.