In Poseyville, Indiana

      A Masonic lodge in Poseyville was originally issued dispensation June 9, 1875 and chartered on May 23, 1876, as Poseyville Lodge No. 522. This charter was revoked May 23, 1882 for non-payment of dues to the Grand Lodge.

Excerpt from the earliest minute book found.
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      "February 23, 1900 S.S. Penrod, G.W. Ford, C.R. Pleasants, and J.R. Boyd four Master Masons in good standing who were desirous of associating together agreeable to the constitution of ancient masonry met for the purpose of organizing a regular Lodge of Masons."

      The above mentioned gentlemen with R.S Boyle, Geo R Williams, W.S. Hall, Peter H. Wade, and Thos. D. Shelton forwarded their recommendation with their receipts and demits enclosed, to the Grand Secretary on April 9, 1900. Dispensation was issued after due examination by Past Master Simeon P. Gillett as a special deputy for the Grand Master, on May 31, 1900 signed by Olin E. Holloway Grand Master and Wm. H Smythe Grand Secretary. Lodges in Mt. Vernon, Owensville, and New Harmony gave their recommendations to the Grand Lodge. Most of these officers eventually demitted and returned to their original lodges.

      The first official meeting was held on June 5, 1901 Petitions were received from Chas. E. Showers, Wm. D. Brown, Jms. W. Melton. Other business on that night was for the secretary to produce suitable books for Lodge records. Brothers Penrod and Ford were constituted a committee to make final arrangements for a hall. The first hall was a rented room. On February 21, 1901 "the Secretary was instructed to write the Grand Secretary in regard to a saloon being in the same building as the lodge."

      On June 12, 1901 Brother Sidney w. Douglas, Deputy Grand Master; Alfred W. Emery, Grand Senior Deacon: Jas. O. Parker, Deputy Grand Marshall: all of Reed Lodge No. 316 were introduced. After which Sidney W. Douglas proceeded to Constitute said Lodge. After said Constitution the following officers were installed:

Simion S. Penrod_____Worshipful Master
W. S. Hall___________Senior Warden
Robt. S. Boyle_______Junior Warden
J.R. Boyle__________Secretary
Geo. W. Link________Senior Deacon
C.R. Pleasants_______Junior Deacon
L.W. Sparn__________Chaplain
Jos. E. Boyle_________Steward
Jos. R Haines________Steward

      The Charter was then signed by Olin E. Holloway, Grand Master; Oralando W. Brownback, Deputy Grand Master; James W. Dunbar, Senior Grand Warden; Calvin W. Prather, Grand Secretary; and dated May 29, 1901.

      Charter Members were Simon S. Penrod, Geo. W. Ford, William S. Hall, Robert S. Boyle, Julian R. Boyd, George R. Williams, C. R. Pleasants, Peter H. Wade, Thos. D. Shelton, Wm. D. Brown, Chas. E. Showers, Jos. E. Boyle, Geo. W. Link, Wm. H. McConnell, Jas. K. Grigsby, Jesse J. Shelton, L.W. Sparn, Ulysis G. Whiting, Jos. R. Haynes, Zackeriah P. Watson, Geo. B. Kitchen, and Henry Steinbrenner.

      The first mention of a letter concerning a home for indigent Masons, their widows and orphans was read on December 10, 1901. The first mention of Masonic relief was a motion for $ 5.00 to be paid to P.H. Wade for relief.

December 23, 1902 a committee was "appointed to examine J. H Muth’s hall and see what repairs necessary and close contract for same"

February 21, 1908 a notation appears in the minutes "First meeting in new hall." Thomas O. Williams was the first degree in the new hall.

February 26, 1918 "a request was made by some brothers' that are now living in Cynthiana that our Worshipful Master sign a request to be sent to Grand Lodge asking that a lodge be opened in Cynthiana. All dues of servicemen (WW I) were remitted while they are in the service."

February 8, 1921 "the first investigating committee for the new building was appointed consisting of A.C. Watson, G.W. Owens, Alfred Owens, H.A. Moore."

November 14, 1922 "motion carried to instruct the trustees to close a deal with A.E. Jaquess for the J.J. Jaquess homestead lot in Posseyville. (Special Notation " At last our new home is on the way, Amen")."

February 27, 1923 "D.C. Smith of the building committee reported, Estimates for new building as $ 12,213.00. With extras giving a total of $ 14,275.00 outside of heating, lighting, and plumbing. Finance committee was appointed consisting of Geo. Watters (Chairman), E.D. Fletchall, Fred Garten, A.C. Wasson, and B.C. Smith."

January 8, 1924 H.E. Jaquess was paid $ 500.00 for the lot.

October 26, 1926 the date set for laying the cornerstone.

November 23, 1926 a resolution was attached to the minutes calling for a bond issue to pay for the lodge building.

February 22, 1927 the new building was dedicated. The minutes show that as well as the officers there were 419 members and visitors present. Lessing Lodge No. 646 of Evansville raised Mr. Doyle Henry Westfall on that day. Past Grand Master Albert Funkhouser took charge of the service and Governor Ed Jackson was present for the ceremonies as well as Judge Charles J. Orbison and Senator Bruce E. Cooper. Seven petitions were read that day.

July 26, 1927 Coleman L. Brown donated the pictures of the Presidents.

October 9, 1928 the new Bible was received.

In 1940 our building was used for the purpose of registering young men for the draft.

In 1942 the Grand Master directed that all servicemen receive at least one letter a week from lodge members.

June 6, 1944 The Honor Roll, which hangs in the lobby of the temple, was dedicated.

In 1944 Lawrance Doll made the staff stands.

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