Palatka Lodge #34,

F. & A. M.

Palatka, Florida

Ed Hughes 60 Year Pin Presentation

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Welcome to Eds' Page.  Ed was presented his 60 Year pin on our first meeting in March this year.  As you can see he and his wife were honored with the pin and certificate.




WM Mark instructed the Senior Deacon, Brother Larry, to escort Ed Hughes and his wife Louise to the East for the presentation. The presentation was made by
WM Mark presenting Ed with his 60 year ping as Ed's wife Louise pins it on him. WM Mark and Eds wife Louise making sure his pin is on straight

Ed takes a look at the 60 Certificate he was just presented.


This site was last updated 11/06/12

Palatka Lodge #34 operates under the jurisdiction of The Most Worshipful Grand Lodge of Free and Accepted Masons of Florida.  The intent of this website is to provide information to the brothers of Palatka Lodge #34, the craft and general public.  Opinions and views expressed do not represent the Grand Lodge of Florida.  All materials copyright 1998-2005, Palatka Lodge #34, Palatka, Florida.