Pawleys Island Lodge 409 Town Crier


Pawleys Island Lodge 409
Next Stated Communication
Thursday, January 5th, 2007
Dinner 7:15 PM
Meeting 8:00 PM


I would like to congratulate WB Ken Crompton for his successful year as Master of our Lodge last year and I know that he is going to be a hard act to follow. However, I will give it my best. It should be a piece of cake with our lineup next year and with all the support from the Brethren.

Our annual Christmas Dinner on Dec 8th was enjoyed by all. The food was great and fellowship outstanding. The evening ended with everyone singing Christmas Carols to the music provided by Mrs. John Taylor, on the accordion and her husband, Brother John, leading the singing.

Worshipful Brother Ken Crompton and I would like to thank the 10 Brethren who attended the work day on Saturday, Dec 16th at the Lodge getting it in excellent shape, inside and out, for the Master and Wardens Club that we hosted on Dec 18th. Those attending the work day were: WM Crompton & Worshipful Brothers: Rice, Phillip Cusick, Peteet, Seman, and Brothers, Honeycutt, Kennedy, Burke, Keesler, Cape and FC Wright.

Thanks to the members giving up their time to organize and work with the Lodge's Meals On Wheels program on Christmas Day and New Year's Day. We are proud of you!

I want to remind the officers of a mandatory meeting at Myrtle Beach Lodge 353 on January 13th beginning with dinner at 6pm. I am challenging you this year to learn the different lectures, Charges, working tools, & the many different parts necessary to put on the degrees. I also urge you to read your Ahiman Rezon, pertaining to the behavior of Free Masons as Members of a Lodge.

We have a new committee, Lodge Service chaired by Grady Honeycutt which will automatically include all newly made Masons: Currently Steve Bosch, Dan Maxwell, Jeff Evans, Mark Koehler, Fellowcraft Bruce Wright, and Entered Apprentices John Evans, John Lutz, Justin Cataldo, Gray Turner and Vic Young.

Fraternally Yours,
Bob Cape

Masonic Birthdays
Jerry Mounts Jan 1st   Benjamin Blake Jan 11th
Tim Tharpe Jan 1st
  Ralph Bartlett Jan 22nd
Hugger Peteet Jan 2nd
  Salem Van Every Jan 23rd
Justin Cataldo Jan 8th
 ♪ Raleigh Tharpe Jan 24th
Joe Seman Jan 10th

From the Secretary:

Please note that 2007 Dues are $85.00 & became due on Dec 31st.  The extra $2 is for a Grand Lodge increase mainly for Masonic Relief. Please send to the Lodge PO Box.

Our Lodge has gained about 15 members in the last couple of years and I ask each of you to keep that trend going & to support WM Bob Cape as I believe he is truly a fine Mason who will take us to the next level.  PI409 has a wonderful reputation for Fellowship & Charity and I hope we can continue that tradition!  Get involved - learn a part, bring a friend into the Lodge, do your part in our projects and attend our Lodge meetings.

For Degrees: Brandon Davis


 · SW Bob Cape, Chair - 650-2800
 · WBro. Don West, PM
 · Bro. Joe Mayhew

 · Stew. Dru Keesler, Chair - 237-4971

 · WBro. Phillip Cusick, PM, Chair - 237-2768
 · WBro. Don Saxon, PM
 · Bro. Joe Mayhew

Public Relations
 · WBro. Don Saxon, PM, Chair - 237-7559
 · SD Jeff Pelasara
 · SW Bob Cape
 · JD Steve Lacy

Fund Raising
 · WBro. Joe Seman, PM, Chair - 235-9286
 · Bro. Tom Johnson
 · Bro. Steve Bosch
 · Bro. Bob Swisshelm
 · Bro. Don Corinna
 · Bro. Kim Cauthen

 · WBro. Norm Neitzel, PM, Chair - 651-8628
 · RWBro. Marshall Bryant

 · WBro. Fred Kisner, PM, Chair - 237-8548
 · Bro. Tom Johnston
 · SD Jeff Pelasara

 · SD Jeff Pelasara, Chair - 237-0974

Lodge Service
 · Bro. Grady Honeycutt
 · JW Steve Bosch
 · Bro. Dan Maxwell
 · Stew. Jeff Evans
 · Stew. Mark Koehler
 · FC Bruce Wright
 · EA John Evans
 · EA John Lutz
 · EA Justin Cataldo
EA Gray Turner
 · EA Vic Young

© Copyright  2006-2008  Pawleys Island Lodge 409  All Rights Reserved