My late father-in-law
Brother Mason Earl L. Pratt always said to me, "be sure you
work your way through all the chairs, become Master and
then, you're all set." It is hard for me to believe that 6
years ago, after being raised I have reached that goal he
has set for me. I hope I can live up to his expectations and
to do a well as all previous Past Masters have done. A big
thanks you to Past Master Steve Protz for his 3 years at the
I will focus this year
in finding ways to get our brothers to attend lodge in great
numbers and bring new brothers.
Our Grand Lodge's
Strategic Planning Committee have defined goals and
objectives to "Focus Freemasonry to Benefit All." The goal
is to make Freemasonry more meaningful to our Blue Lodge
members and more visible to its local community. "MasoniKids"
has been established as a prime focus. The "tabs" programs
which has been so successful for the Shriners is now
extended to the Blue Lodges. The "CHIPS" Program us a free,
child identification program has been established. Old Well
No 108's web site will be linked to the Grand Lodge's web
www.ctfreemasonry.net for better communication to our
brothers and the community. Establishing a Masonic presence
in the local community is also a prime objective.
There is a great deal
of Masonic activity going on in your lodge these days. We
are completing the installation of a new kitchen in the
Grotto Room. Along with our monthly Lodge Stated
Communication, Monker Grotto meets once a month, Laurel
Chapter of the Order of DeMolay is meeting 4 times a month;
tag sales, picnics, events, a CHIPS program and other
activities are taking place. To steal a quote from our new
Sr. Warden Chris Peters "the lights are on at Old Well
Lodge No. 108."
So come down, join us
and help make the lights brighter at Old Well. SEE YOU
Thomas H. Stein, Worshipful Master |