NJ Lodge of Masonic Research and Education was constituted in 2001 by MW David A. Chase.
MW Brother Chase's goal was to create a body whose purpose was not only to
perform research on and discuss Freemasonry, but to educate the members of New
Jersey Freemasonry.
The number of our lodge was given in commemoration of the year of the formation of the Grand Lodge of New Jersey.
It is hoped that our lodge will be able to not only provide insight into the history of New Jersey Freemasonry, but also to give all Freemasons access to better understanding of our wonderful Craft.
Our lodge is composed of many Freemasons from all parts of the state of New Jersey. Each brother is considered a member of the Lodge. A brother who prepares and present five papers for publications receives the title of Laureate Member. Preparation and presentation of ten papers will earn the member the title of Distinguished Laureate Membership. The Worshipful Master, with the approval of the Lodge, may bestow the title of Distinguished Laureate Emeritus upon a brother with considerable merit.
Each year the Lodge will publish all of the papers prepared and submitted the previous year. This publication is known as the Transactions of the NJ Lodge of Masonic Research and Education No. 1786.
For more information about the New Jersey Lodge of Masonic Research and Education, please contact one of our officers or use the Contact webpage.