Montgomery Forest #134
Tall Cedars of Lebanon
* Meets at noon on the 3rd Saturdays of *
* February, April, June, and September *
* Meets at noon on the 2nd Saturday of November *
Meeting location varies each meeting at Montgomery County area
We are a constituent Forest of the Tall Cedars of Lebanon
of North America, an appendant Masonic organization, devoted
to fostering friendship and fellowship among Freemasons and to all
- To provide social entertainment and clean wholesome
recreation; promote a wider acquaintance and a more sincere
friendship among Master Masons; perpetuate itself as a
fraternal, charitable and social organization
- To bind Master Masons more closely together and cooperate
fully with all Masonic Bodies in upholding the Ancient Landmarks
of Free Masonry, and by precept and example to hold aloft and
further the Tenets of the Craft
- To create and maintain cooperation, peace and harmony among
Master Masons and to discountenance jealousy, rivalry and ill
feeling among Master Masons and Masonic Bodies
- To emphasize that a Master Mason is not only a member of the
Blue Lodge to which he belongs, but an integral part of the
Masonic Fraternity as a whole
- To teach that a Master Mason should not be judged by his
worldly wealth or honors, his social status, or the manner in
which he earns his livelihood, but from the viewpoint of true
- To urge all Tall Cedars to meet upon a Common Level at all
times, to practice true peace and harmony, and to be ever
mindful of a Brother's welfare
- To remind all Tall Cedars that they were first Master Masons
and should refrain from saying or doing anything which would
bring discredit upon the White Lambskin, which is the badge of a
Mason; or upon the Pyramid which is the badge of a Tall Cedar
- To teach that Tall Cedars, as Master Masons, are brothers upon
the street as well as in the Lodge Room or the meeting place of
the Forest, and thus should practice true brotherly love and
affection towards one another
- To scatter sunshine, afford surcease from the cares and labors
of the day, provide entertainment and refreshment without
excess; and adhere to the cardinal principles of Cedarism,
- To establish and maintain Research Laboratories in assisting
in the combating of the "Killer Disease"-MUSCULAR DYSTROPHY,
which activity has been adopted as the National Objective of
Cedarism. To promote a stronger bond with all Freemasons and to
further the goals and tenants of Freemasonry
Muscular Dystrophy
The Tall Cedars of Lebanon of North America has faithfully supported
the goals of the Muscular Dystrophy
Association through financial assistance since 1951, longer
than any other organization. The Supreme Forest supports a
Goodwill Ambassador to represent the Tall Cedars of North America
and many Forests support a Goodwill Ambassador.
The Montgomery Forest has sponsored two Good Will Ambassadors,
Matthew Haley and Claire Menke. We're so proud of all that these
amazing people have accomplished.
The Tall Cedars of Lebanon is open to all Master Masons.
Contact Romain Tweedy
for more information.
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