Greetings from Fort McMurray, Alberta, Canada |
Shriners help kids get back on their feet
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"All for the Kids"
The Fort McMurray Shrine Club operates under the authourity of the Al Shamal Shriners and enthusiatically supports and promotes the World's greatest philanthropy in the Wood Buffalo region.
The Shrine's official philanthropy is Shriners Hospitals for Children, a network of 22 hospitals that provide expert, no-cost orthopaedic and burn care to children under 18. If you know a child that Shriners Hospitals might be able to help, call toll-free at 1-800-361-7256.
President- Noble Clarence Buchanan
Meetings- 6:30 pm on the 4th Tuesday of the Month at Smitty's Restaurant (July, August, December excepted)
Major Events
March: River Break-up Raffle
May: Ronald McDonald House/Shrine Golf Tournament
October/November: Installing of Officers