Masonic Facts & Fun

(last update Saturday, 10/05/02)


"Ask and ye shall receive, seek and ye shall find, knock and it shall be opened unto you." Matthew 7:7




-"If you judge people, you have no time to love them" ~Mother Teresa





Seven by Three

Wisdom, Beauty, Strength

Measured by height and width and length.


Brotherly Love, Relief, Truth:

From age, from manhood, from youth.


Charity, Hope, Faith:

Which extends beyond the grave?


South, East, West:

Who works and agrees is best.


Plumb, Level, Square:

Spread the Light everywhere.


Holy Bible, Square, Compass:

Teach the Highest Lessons to each of us.


Friendship, Morality, Brotherly Love:

We prepare the Celestial Lodge Above.

-Author unknown-




Masonic Dates


Masonic Group

Full Name
How Computed


Common practice

Anno Domini
Year of Our Lord
current year

Said to date from the birth of Jesus Christ (which actually probably took place around 4 B.C.)


Craft Lodges
("basic" Freemasonry)

Anno Lucis
Year of Light
add 4,000 to current year

It is said that Bishop Usher in 1611 computed that date the world began as 4,000 B.C. (actually he said 4,004 B.C.)


Royal Arch Freemasonry

A. Inv.
Anno Inventionis
Year of the Discovery
add 530 to current year

The 2nd Temple in Jerusalem was begun in 530 B.C., and it is said that certain items were discovered then.


Cryptic Masonry
Royal & Select Masters

A. Dep.
Anno Depositionis
Year of the Deposit
add 1,000 to current year

King Solomon's Temple is said to have been completed in 1,000 B.C., and certain items are said to have been deposited then.


Knights Templar

Anno Ordinis
Year of the Order
subtract 1,118 from current year

The medieval Knights Templar Order was founded in 1118 A.D.


Scottish Rite

Anno Mundi
Year of the World
until Sept. add 3,759 to current year
after Sept. add 3,760 to current year

Same as the Hebrew calendar, from the supposed creation of the world in 3760 B.C.


Order of High Priesthood

Anno Benefacionis
Year of Blessing
add 1,913 to current year

Abraham is said to have been blessed by the High Priest Melchizedek in 1913 B.C.


Holy Royal Arch Knight Templar Priests

Anno Renascent
Year of Revival
subtract 1,686 from current year

This Order is said to have been revived in 1686 A.D.






Time and the Virgin

BURIAL PLACE The burial place of a Master Mason is under the Holy of Holies, with the following legend delineated on the monument:-A virgin weeping over a broken column, with a book open before her; in her right hand a sprig of acassia, in her left an urn; Time standing behind her, with his hands enfolded in the ringlets of her hair. The weeping virgin denotes the unfinished state of the temple : the broken column that one of the principal supporters of Masonry (H.A.B.) has fallen; the open book implies that his memory is recorded in every Mason's heart; the sprig of acassia refers to the discovery of his remains; the urn shews that his ashes have been carefully collected, and Time standing behind her implies that time, patience, and perseverance will accomplish all things.



The fear of the LORD is the begining of knowledge:

but fools despise wisdom and instruction." {Proverbs 1:7}



Members of  M. W. St. James Grand Lodge, A.F.&A.M.


Queen Beatrice Grand Chapter, O.E.S.

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