A Brief History of our Beginnings |
On February 14th, 1947, ten men petioned the Most Worshipful
Lodge of Ancient Freemasons of South Carolina to form a new Lodge in
Murrells Inlet.
These ten men,
• William Carl Causey of Franklin Lodge #96 in Charleston
• Willie Seamore White of St. James Lodge #275 in McClellanville
• Homer Ernest Lee of Myrtle Beach Lodge #353
• Herman K. Wilson of Clinton Lodge #60 in Marion
• Jesse T. Smith of Graddy Lodge #257 in Aynor
• John W. Gordon of Myrtle Beach Lodge #353
• Ernest Hanson Lee of Washington Lodge #5 in Charleston
• Harry L. Marlow of Winyah Lodge #40 in Georgetown
• Edwin Oliver Fulton of Myrtle Beach Lodge #353 and
• Jesse L. Hughes of Indiantown Lodge #165 in Hemingway,
these ten regular Masons came together with the hope and dream of
bringing the Brotherly Love and Fellowship of Freemasonry to our young
They came together as men to work.
February 21st, 1947, Carl W. Rogers, Secretary of Myrtle Beach Lodge
#353 certified that the nearest Lodge to Murrells Inlet, Myrtle Beach
Lodge #353, had recommended that this petioned be granted. WBro. J. M.
Long, WM of Myrtle Beach Lodge #353 certified that "he had
carefully examined the building and hall to be used as a meeting place
and found them to be secure and suitable for Masonic purposes."
RWBro. T. J. Perritt, DDGM of the 25th Masonic District certified that
Bro. William Carl Causey, nominated for Worshipful Master, Bro. Willie
Seamore White, nominated for Senior Warden, and Bro. Homer Ernest Lee,
nominated for Junior Warden, had appeared before a board consisting of
WBro. Frank Collins, PM of Myrtle Beach Lodge #353, WBro. J.M Long, WM
of Myrtle Beach Lodge #353 and himself and that they "had undergone an
examination and proved themselves thoroughly conversant with the Ritual
of the Three Degree and the Constitution of the Grand Lodge of South
On February 25th, 1947, Dispensation to Open a New Lodge in Murrells
Inlet was granted by MWBro. A. J. M. Wannamaker, Most Worshipful Grand
Master of Ancient Freemasons of South Carolina and MWBro. O. Frank
Hart, PGM, Grand Secretary. By virtue of the powers vested by the
Ancient Constitutions of the Order, they "authorized and empowered Bro.
William Carl Causey to act as Worshipful Master, Bro. Willie Seamore
White to act as Senior Warden, and Bro. Homer Ernest Lee to act as
Junior Warden under our jurisdiction at Murrells Inlet in a Lodge to be
known as Murrells Inlet Lodge Number U.D."
On April 4th, 1947, the first Regular Stated Communication of Murrells
Inlet Lodge U.D. was opened on the Third Degree of Masonry.
Officers present were:
William Carl Causey
Worshipful Master |
E. O. Fulton
Senior Deacon |
Willie Seamore White
Senior Warden |
John W. Gordon
Junior Deacon |
Homer Ernest Lee
Junior Warden |
Ernest H. Lee
Steward |
W. H. Skinner
acting Treasurer |
E. O. Fulton
Chaplain |
Carl W. Rogers
acting Secretary |
Jesse L. Hughes
Tiler |
With this act, Freemasonry became firmly established in Murrells Inlet.
is important that we remember these Brothers. They are our roots here.
They are our beginning. They came together as men and set lofty
goals for both themselves and for all those who might travel that same
Masonic Road.
On April 10th, 1947, the Myrtle Beach News – Coastal Carolinian
reported on our first meeting in a Front Page article.
It stated in part:
“This occasion commemorating the establishment of the Murrells Inlet
Lodge proved highly successful and enjoyable. It was evident that this
organization would serve as an inspiration to the community and would
bring leadership and organization in civic affairs to the rapidly
growing town of Murrells Inlet.”
Murrells Inlet Lodge U.D. wasted no time in getting started. Petitions
for Degrees were read at that very first meeting. On May 8th, 1947, we
conferred our first Entered Apprentice Degree. Our first two Candidates
were Gemmell Henry Lokey and Robert Thomas Boone.
Entered Apprentice Degrees were also held in July, August, September,
and October of that year. Masons were being made and raised almost
monthly as we rapidly progressed and grew.
On April 9th, 1948, at a Special Communication, the Most Worshipful
Grand Lodge of Ancient Freemasons of South Carolina was opened in ample
form on the Third Degree of Masonry in Murrells Inlet.
Officers present were:
MWBro. James F. Risher
Grand Master |
W.T. Johnson
Senior Deacon |
RWBro. Homer M. Pace
Deputy Grand Master |
W.C. Floyd
Junior Deacon |
N. R. Nane
acting Senior Warden |
A.W. Cooper
Steward |
J. O. Cartrette
acting Junior Warden |
T.A. Rhenark
Steward |
WBro. Carl W. Rogers
acting Treasurer |
S.C. Dusenberry
Tiler |
RWBro. O. Frank Hart
Grand Secretary |
RWBro. H. Dwight McCallister
Grand Chaplain |
Under a Charter issued by the Most Worshipful Grand Lodge of Ancient
Freemasons of South Carolina on March 11th, 1948, the following
Officers were installed in the new Murrells Inlet Lodge #368:
William Carl Causey
Worshipful Master |
E. O. Fulton
Senior Deacon |
Willie Seamore White
Senior Warden |
J. W. Gordon
Junior Deacon |
Homer Ernest Lee
Junior Warden |
John Ed Byrd
Steward |
Harry E. Bailey
Treasurer |
Homer Woodward
Steward |
J. W. Murdock
Secretary |
Jesse L. Hughes
Tiler |
D. B. Pendergrass
Chaplain |
After installations, the Lodge was then closed in ample form, followed
by an Oyster Roast at Lokey’s Place.
At a Special Communication on May 22nd, 1954, Grand Lodge was again
opened in ample form in Murrells Inlet, but this time on the First
Degree of Masonry.
The purpose of this Special Communications, and the reason for opening
in the First Degree, was to dedicate our new Lodge Building here on
Collins Ave. in a manner in which all members could attend. A past
history of the Lodge presented at this Special Communication revealed
that while there had been talk of building a new Masonic Temple in
Murrells Inlet for the past six years, little had been done until the
Stated Communication of February 5th, 1954. At that meeting the Lodge
gave the authority to the Building Committee “to provide and build the
The Stated Communication for March 5th, 1954, held just 28 days later,
was in the same Masonic Temple we enjoy today.
As we gather together
around the altar of Friendship and Brotherly Love wherever we may
travel, we should remember
these Brothers and the good work they have done. They have
provided us with the Working Tools we enjoy today that we might
continue to work the designs they have placed on the Trestleboard as
well as
all of those who have gone this way before us.