The Regular meetings of the Lodge are held in the Burgh Hall, Maxwell Park, on the last Tuesday of each month from September till April, both inclusive.
Precision in everything is the hall-mark of efficiency, especially in Masonic Ceremonies
All communications are to be addressed to the Secretary.
The Annual Test Fee is payable to the Treasurer in advance on or before the Regular Meeting in October. Contributions to the Harmony Fund which are due at the same time, should be sufficient to cover a member's own requirements and a share of the expense of entertaining visitors in a manner worthy of the Lodge.
The Annual Nomination of Office-Bearers is made at the Regular Meeting in October. The Election and Installation take place at the Regular Meeting in November.
Visitors must be vouched for by a Master Mason known to an Office-Bearer of the Lodge, or produce their Grand Lodge Diplomas and be examined by two Brethren appointed by the Master for the purpose, and visiting Past Masters by Brethren of their own rank.
The arrangements for Harmony at Meetings are left to the discretion of the Worshipful Junior Warden.
The Attendance Book must be signed by all Brethren present at a Meeting. Brethren should sign immediately on entering, and take their seats in the Lodge as soon as possible thereafter.
Punctuality is always a commendable virtue.
The adjacent is intended for the accommodation of the Master, Wardens, Office-Bearers and Candidates, and for Meetings of Committees when urgently convened.
Each Office-Bearer should attend exclusively to the performance of his own duties, and endeavour to carry them out better than any of his predecessors may have done.
Applicants for Initiation and Affiliation must be well known to their proposer and seconder.