The Lodge of Loyalty
A Strong Relationship
Legion Lodge has formed a strong relationship with the Lodge of Loyalty No 8635. This Lodge is based in Sunderland and intervisitation between the two lodges takes place every year. The first visit took place on 16th May 1977 when a delegation from the Lodge of Loyalty came to Jesmond. The return visit did not take place until April 1978 but since then the relationship between the two lodges has been maintained.
As well as attending each other's installation, members of both lodges visit in April and June. In April we visit Loyalty and vice versa in June.
The exchanges
In 1993 The WM of Legion Lodge took a team of Officers to Sunderland and put Loyalty's candidate through his second degree. One memorable feature was the working of the Second Tracing Board by a team consisting of the two Deacons, the Assistant Secretary and a Steward. In June of that year Loyalty passed our candidate through his second.
In April 1999 we again took the degree at Sunderland and in June 1999 Loyalty initiated both of our candidates in a double first. One feature of this degree was the extended working of the First Tracing Board.
Just in case you are wondering
A Makem is a native of the Sunderland and Washington (Co. Durham) areas. The two football teams (Newcastle and Sunderland) have an intense rivalry and are traditional enemies. Hence there is some good natured "banter" between our two lodges. This is hightened if one team is doing better than the other.
Queen Street Masonic Hall
The Lodge of Loyalty meet in what is said to be the oldest purpose built Masonic Hall in the world. Parts of it certainly pre-date Grand Lodge. This Temple is in Queen Street, Sunderland. Read about it in the book.
"Masonic Halls of England" A link to the web site for Queen Street, Sunderland appears on the links page.