Luz De America Lodge is 76 years old this year. We have a dispensation
from the Grand Lodge of Florida to work in the Spanish language. Every year we
receive many foreign and local Masonic dignitaries. At times we receive as many
foreign Masonic dignitaries as some Grand Lodges. They come from the Americas,
Europe, etc.
Luz De America Lodge is the oldest Spanish speaking lodge in Miami-Dade County and one of the oldest Spanish speaking lodges under the Grand Jurisdiction of the State of Florida in the United States.
Luz De America Lodge No. 255
District 35
Meets at Coral Gables Masonic Temple
41 Valencia Ave, Coral Gables, Florida 33134
Lodge Phone (305) 446-9516
Meets first, second and third Thursdays every month at 8:00 p.m.
Ishmael Morin, W\M\
Angel Garcia PM, Secretary