Hope Lodge Number Four


of Delaware

Masonic Temple
102 West 6th Street
Laurel, Delaware 19956

Welcome To Hope Lodge No. 4




July And August




We hope your visit to our Website will be an informative one and you leave us with an appreciation of our history and especially our Treasure, the "Oriental Chair" of which we are so privileged to have in our Lodge. Come visit us soon and take a seat in "The Master's Chair". Maybe it will conjure up some memories of days gone by in your Masonic past.

Any activities listed or proposed  within this Web Site are open to all " FREEMASONS" and those attending must have a valid dues card from their Lodge which is either Ancient Free and Accepted Masons or Free and Accepted Masons and whose Jurisdiction is recognized by the Grand Lodge of Delaware


                           HOPE LODGE NO. 4 ITEMS

Some of interest maybe others not so interesting, but you be the judge of that.

Our newly installed Senior Warden  Bro:Jim Hollis had just gotten over a terrible bad cold . when a few weeks ago Jim was up a ladder and fell and did a tremendous lot of damage to his ankle. He is to stay off the ankle till at least latter part of September, however he told me today he would be at our first meeting, thanks to the chair lift.

This Webmaster would like to personally thank Brother Jeffery S. Cook, Sr. for having this West Point story with photos put in our last issue of the Delaware Freemason. I was so pleased and surprised when I saw it and had no idea that it was being done. A great Christmas present, guys. As a further note Jeff Jr. is now stationed at Fort Irwin, CA, and in case many of you may not know this station, and having been there, it is in the Western part of the Mohave Desert, I think Jeff and I both can figure out what this assignment could lead to, but God willing hopefully this conflict will be reduced to the point where we will no longer have any of our troops in harms way

The time is fast approaching when Hope Lodge will begin our yearly Oyster Fritter and Crab Cake Cook Outs on the first Saturday of September unless I am told otherwise. The new outside cooking facilities are ready and the troops are raring to again serve you the best we can supply. We will also be looking forward with much anticipation to the 17th of September for this will usher in a new year for Hope Lodge with our newly installed WM at the helm again Bro: WM Gary W. Pierce,PM PSGD.


 Brother PM Bruce Marine was appointed Chairman of the Oyster Fund Raiser with the authority to select his own Cooking Brothers to assist him. Good luck my Brothers, your efforts have not gone un-noticed, and the monthly financial report shows it. I would certainly be remise in my duties as your Webmaster if I did not recognize our Worshipful Master PM Clark Spicer,  as this was totally his idea and the driving force in getting it started.

l recommend checking Brother  WM Gary W. Pierce PM , PSGD , Web Page on Yahoo for information of interest for all our District functions. He is very active with the Shield & Square Club and is in charge of the Degree Team, as well as a  key member of the newly formed Scottish Rite Degree begun at Endeavor Lodge, where the 14th Degree is put on under the Delaware Consistory in Wilmington, Northern Jurisdiction.

The Freedom Team Salute program that I have been doing to recognize any and all Army veterans is still ongoing, and anyone who has served in the Army or Army Reserves or the National Guard for any period of time and received an Honorable Discharge is qualified for the recognition kit that is mailed back to you. I have the forms and will bring some to the Lodge for anyone who wants to participate. Very simple to fill out and no postage required. I will be attending some events on Pearl Harbor Day in hopes of adding more Veterans to our Freedom Team Salute Army to our ranks.

Any comments on this Web Site directly related to Hope Lodge No. 4, or requests for information can be directed to Most Worshipful Robert E. Trice, Sr., Past Grand Master of Masons in DE ,  and Web Master of this site, Worshipful Charles R. Woods, PM, Secretary,  whose e-mail addresses are indicated in the roster of Lodge Officers. If and when any of you change your e-mail address please let me know so I can update this site.

As your Web Master of this Site, one last comment. This is your Web Page, not mine, but all of ours. If you have a comment or suggestion that you would like for everyone to hear, please send either our WM, our Secretary or myself an E-Mail or Phone call or as a last resort, the old proverbial Snail Mail. In this new and changing world we live in now it is truely an exciting time to be a Brother, and if you feel like I do, in your own way, get your best friend, neighbor , relative, co-worker etc, and invite him to a "Bring A Friend Night"and when he is ready ,he can ask to join us . Remember the old bumper sticker, "To Be One Ask One". For those of you who do not remember this tool, it reminds us all, they ask not us, however it is now considered Masonically correct to have a dialog about our fraternity, by giving  a brief description of what we stand for and means of applying, the rest is left entirely up to your friend.

Comments or information about Web Sites or Regulations governing Web Sites for Masonry in Delaware, should be directed to the Grand Lodge of Delaware Web Site Committee: Listed on the Grand Lodge of Delaware Web Site. Their Web Site address has recently been changed . To gain access to the new site you can contact itsWeb Master Jeffrey.hague@state.de.us on this e-mail address.


Officers of the Hope Lodge No. 4


  Worshipful Gary W. Pierce PM- PSGD-Worshipful Master

Bro: James D. Hollis-Senior Warden

R:W Roy T. Davis, PM-Junior Warden PJGW

   Worshipful Charles R. Wood, PM, Secretary

Bro: John L. Mears-Treasurer

Bro: Keith Lloyd, Senior Deacon-GLAOH

Bro: Allen I. Adams - Junior Deacon

Bro: Timothy C. Keenan - Senior Steward

Bro: David R. Seymore - Junior Steward

Bro: Harvey (George) Carlyle - Tyler



A.F. & A.M.

"ORIENTAL CHAIR" by Brother J. Norman Nicklas



On June 7th, 1806, a Charter was granted to Hope Lodge No. 4 in Laurel by Grand Master Gunning Bedford, Jr., marking the formation of the Grand Lodge of Delaware, along with three other Lodges then meeting in Wilmington, New Castle and Newark.

Masonic light first came to Laureltown with the chartering of Hope Lodge No. 31 by the Grand Lodge of Maryland on June 23rd, 1800. This was the result of Jesse Green's efforts to revive the Charter of Lodge No. 10 of Georgetown which had existed between 1792 - 1796, but had been dormant for four years. At least ten of the thirteen charter members of Lodge No. 31 were former members of Lodge No. 10.

Hope Lodge No. 31 continued to flourish and with a total of nineteen members, became one of the four Lodges in the formation of the Grand Lodge of Delaware, thus becoming Hope Lodge No. 4. It was largely due to the leadership of Jesse Green that the Grand Lodge of Delaware became a reality and, although, Gunning Bedford, Jr. was selected to be the first Grand Master, it was only fitting that Jesse Green become the first Deputy Grand Master.

It was during Jesse Green's 3 year term as Grand Master, 1809 - 1811, that the first Grand Chaplain was appointed, the differences with the Grand Lodge of Pennsylvania were settled and a set of Grand Lodge jewels was procured. After having served as Charter Worshipful Master of Lodges No. 10 and No. 31 as well as Grand Master, he again became the Charter Worshipful Master when Temple Lodge No. 9 was Chartered in Milford in 1815.

The second Grand Master to be elected from Hope Lodge was James Derrickson, a physician, who served a 3 year term, 1821 - 1823. During this period, both Franklin Lodge No. 12 in Georgetown and Harmony Lodge No. 13 in Smyrna were Chartered. Current studies are only now revealing that Jesse Green was the cornerstone of our Grand Lodge so the same designation must be given James Derrickson in both our Grand Chapter of Royal Arch Masons and the Cryptic Rite.

Between 1876 - 1877 the third Grand Master was elected from Hope Lodge No. 4 in the person of Thomas N. Williams who later served as State Superintendent of Schools from 1883 - 1887. During his term as Grand Master, the first Grand Lecturer was appointed and the Grand Lodge was composed of twenty-two Lodges with a membership of over 1,200, Hope No. 4 accounting for 24 of them.

William E. Valliant was the fourth Grand Master to serve from Hope Lodge in 1914. He was associated with the Marvil Company, as well as the Valliant Company of Laurel. During his term the Grand Lodge laid the cornerstone of Women's College in Newark and also endorsed and contributed to the Masonic War Relief Association as World War I began.

In 1921 George C. Williams, a Methodist minister in Laurel became the fifth member of Hope Lodge No. 4 to serve as Grand Master. This was the formative period of Gunning Bedford, Jr., Memorial Scholarship Fund and also marked the expansion of Delaware's Masonic Home. The celebration of George Washington's Masonic birthday was also observed by all Lodges in this Grand Jurisdiction and a mass meeting was held in Wilmington High School.

The sixth Grand Master from Hope Lodge No. 4 was W. Harrison Phillips in 1957, who was engaged in the milling business. The Grand Lodge then consisted of twenty-two Lodges with 8,400 members and Hope Lodge No. 4 having 190 members. Year 1957 also marked the dedication of another addition to our Masonic Home and the installation of an improved fire alarm system.

It would be thirty-nine years before another Grand Master would come from Hope Lodge No. 4. In 1996 Robert E. Trice, Sr., was elected the seventh Grand Master to come from Hope Lodge No. 4. He took early retirement from the DuPont Company and returned to active duty retiring as Command Sergeant Major, United States Army in 1988. The Grand Lodge now has approximatly 5672 members , with Twenty-Eight Lodges plus a Lodge of Research. Hope Lodge No. 4 now has approximately 129 members and is gradually regaining its membership. Grand Master Trice chose to be installed at Union Lodge No. 9 in Dover,DE the most central part of the State. His theme was "Standing Together" and this Staff proudly did just that. Year 1997 through the dedicated untiring efforts of Key Staff Officers, the Web Site of the Grand Lodge of Delaware begun with SGS Gilbert Riddell as its Web Master. The Master Mason Motorcycle Club of Delaware was formed under approval of the Grand Lodge and was the result of the un-tiring efforts of the SGS Gilbert Riddell, its first President. A new  Grand Table Lodge format was formulated by the efforts of Gil Riddell and Jesse Collier PM. The Delaware Freemason was totally upgraded and improved by the GSB Chuck Simmermon the Editor providing much enhancement and meaning for our membership and all the Appendant Bodies he encouraged to provide articles. I would be remiss as GM if I did not recognize my Aid PM R. Dale McKinney who assumed the task of Chairman of our Brotherhood Night. Needless to say, Hope Lodge No. 4 is looking forward to celebrating the formation of the Most Worshipful Grand Lodge of Ancient Free and Accepted Masons of Delaware in the year 2006.

In 2005 Ronald W. Conaway became the Eighth Grand Master to hail from Hope Lodge Number Four, Laurel, Delaware. Ronnie would have the Distinction to lead our Grand Lodge during its 200th Anniversary.  A honor to  which would be highly revered by anyone having the opportunity of being Grand Master at this time in Delaware Masonry.  His year was filled with many notable functions bringing very much pride to all who were a part of them or having the opportunity to witness them. To best appreciate his many accomplishments which would fill this Web Site, one can view his year in the GL Proceedings of 2006. I will give a brief summary of his biography from this edition. Ronnie grew up on a farm near Bridgeville, DE. Upon completing school Ronnie enlisted in the Marine Corps and after four years joined the Dupont Co at Seaford where he worked for 32 years. After retiring , Dupont enlisted Ronnie's expertise as an outside contractor for four more years. He finally retired and dedicated his efforts to a total remodeling of he and Ruthie,s home on a farm just outside of Seaford. While working at Dupont Ronnie met and married his wife of 38 years ,Ruth Dukes. They have been blessed with three children who are grown and married with children. Ronnie joined Hope Lodge in 1973, continued through the chairs and eventually became WM in 1998-1999-2001 and 2002. Elected JGW in 2002, Senior GW in 2003, Deputy GM in 2004 and Grand Master in 2005. Ronnie`s year turned out to be the 200th Anniversary of our Grand Lodge and needless to say he was most active with the many and varied functions he attended to throughout his busy 12 months. We at Hope Lodge are extremely proud to have had Bro: Ronald W. Conaway as our Grand Master during our 200th Anniversary Celebration. His primary focus during his Masonic Year was our Masonic Home and the continuing raising of funds for our Grand Lodge Permanent Fund. Thanks Bro: Ronnie for a job well done, as history will attest to .


May that spark of Freemasonry, which was first lit in Laureltown by Jesse Green and kindled by succeeding generations, continue to burn brightly on our alter as a reminder of our responsibility to so project our Masonic image that the honor, glory and reputation of our institution may be firmly established, and the world at large convinced of its good effects.



Links to Other Masonic Sites

The following Links to other Masonic Web Sites is being provided as a courtesy to those sincerely interested in the Craft and the Fraternity and genuinely seek further knowledge.  The Grand Lodge of Delaware's Web Page can be brought up on the E-Mason Web Site's Page, just log on and go from there, or type in www.masonsindelaware.org. You can also download this website from the Grand Lodge Site by scrolling down to Symbolic Lodges and scroll down to Hope Lodge, double click on it or any of the other Lodges who have Web Sites and view them.

The E-M@son Web Site


Request Information About Masonry

On behalf of the Worshipful Master, and his Staff, and all the members of Hope Lodge, we thank you most sincerely for visiting with us today. If you are not a Freemason and would like more information regarding the Craft, or should you have any comments or concerns regarding our Web Site, please contact our Grand Secretary at (302) 652-4614 and mention this web site, or contact M.W. Robert E Trice, Sr,.PGM at the above E-Mail Address, who is the Web Master for this Web Site

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