White Elephant Gift Exchange

The Rules

Everyone brings something that was given to them as a gift, or something that they bought or found, that they don't want anymore, either because of who gave it to them, it's the wrong size, it's atrocious, it's hideous, it's out-of-date, or it's out-of-style. Wrap it in you favorite Christmas Paper, or any kind of paper that you can find. DON'T PUT YOUR NAME ON IT. We will draw numbers and you will take a gift based on the order of the number you drew.

The catch is that as the exchange progresses, you have a choice after you open the gift you selected, do I want to keep this or do i STEAL one from someone else. If you gift gets stolen, you can either pick a new gift from the pile to keep, or steal someone else's. (This can go on for a long time, because someone always brings something nice) The other trick is that you cannot trade with someone who just traded with you (kinda like no tag backs) When everyone is finished you take home the gift, and most likely if you don't throw it away we will see it again Next Year.

Page Created by Richard M. Barnett Jr.
Copyright © 2001 B&B_CS. All rights reserved.
Revised: November 06, 2012