Why Fundraisers?
In a Small Town Texas Lodge like the Hempstead Masonic Lodge where we only have about 57 members, Fundraisers have to be a way of life for the Lodge. With Endowed Memberships and 50 year members exemptions only 33 out of 57 members actually pay dues to the Lodge. The annual dues bring in just less then 60% of the funds needed just to operate the Lodge. Therefore additional sources of income must be found, not only to help operate the Lodge, but to support Masonic and local charities.The Railroad Tracks, A Real
Money Machine, Texas Style
The City of Hempstead was civic minded enough to provide a complete Bar-B-Que facility beside the railroad track at Austin Street. Churches and other non-profit organizations may use, these facilities, with out charge, to raise funds for their projects. It has a larged covered shed with sales counters and some assorted bar-b-que pits.We reserve the facility for a Saturday every few months during good weather and sell chicken halves alone, and on lunches. We also sell bar-b-que brisket sandwiches, lunches and by the pound. We usually sell out, of about 150 chicken halves and 12 briskets, by 12:30 or 1:30pm.
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1. Kelly and Kenneth waiting for the chickens to cook. 2. Kelly and Kenneth diging for refreshments with the big enclosed pit behind them. 3. Kenneth and Marty trying to avoid the heat and smoke for a few minutes. 4. Turning the chickens on one of the two large open pits. 5. Marty, making coals to put in the open pits under the chickens. 6. Jim, heading for the open pits to help turn the chickens.
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By "Corky"
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Page Crafted By Corky
The Pine Island Webwright