Hempstead - Waller Masonic
Lodges Joint Fund Raiser 2004
The Liendo Civil War Reenactment,
A Real Texas Style Money Maker![]()
The Liendo Civil War Reenactment,
A Real Texas Style Money Maker
In a Small Town Texas Lodge like the Waller Masonic Lodge where we have less then 100 members, Fundraisers have to be a way of life for the Lodge. With Endowed Memberships and 50 year members exemptions the annual dues bring in just less then 65% of the funds needed just to operate the Lodge. Therefore additional sources of income must be found, not only to help operate the Lodge, but to support Masonic and local charities.Hempstead and Waller Lodges join together in November to sell food at the Liendo Plantation Civil War Reenactment near Hempstead, Texas. For the 2004 show had very poor weather. It was raining when we put the tent up on Wednesday. It was raining Thursday when we took part of the supplies over. And, it was raining Friday and Saturday. Luckly it didn't start raining Sunday until we started to shut down and pack everything to leave, but the heavy overcast kept most people away. We did have a pretty good sales day Friday because of the bus loads of school kids on field trips.
We sold bar-b-que sandwiches, cheeseburgers, sausage wraps, stuffed baked potatoes, turkey legs, Frito chili pie, chips and drinks and homemade peach cobbler with Blue Bell ice cream.
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1. Rachel, Becky, Jim and Junior. 2. Jim, Becky, Kenneth, Jimmy and Rachel. 3. Customers eating during shower 4. Customers waiting for a shower. 5. Customers eating during hard rain. 6. Junior, Jimmy and Buck 7. Becky, Kenneth and Jimmy 8. Menus show our variety.
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By "Corky"
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