From the June 2000 Issue of "Focus" from the Masonic Information Center of the Masonic Service Association of North America, the Southern Baptist Convention may be on the verge of another attack on Freemasonry. Their website has two new postings concerning Freemasonry:
The 1993 Report has been posted for a long time; the other two are very recent. You will remember the attack of 1992-93. We as Freemasons for the first time responded to the attacks. We had a lot of help from a then non-member, John J. Robinson. He defended the fraternity and later became a member of the Craft. We lost John soon after becoming a Mason. However, he will live forever in our hearts and temples. One of the charges the SBC made against Freemasonry was we did not allow "Black Members." How untrue then and now. "Freemasonry consists of men of every country, sect, and opinion. The SBC did, after the attack, revise their by-laws to allow black members for since their beginning they did not permit black members, as they say "Clean up your own house before you try to clean up the world." Freemasonry is not the only one to be attacked by the SBC. Disney was attacked a couple of years after the 1992-93 attach on Freemasonry. Last year, it said women must submit to the wills of their husbands without resistance. This year they said, "A woman could not be a "pastor." When will these attacks stop? If an organization doesnt like what another organization is doing, stay away from it. Freemasonry has and will be under attack as time goes by. We as Freemasons must stand up the way John Robinson did in 1992-93. We are not a religion and should not be accused of such. For more information on this subject visit the Masonic Service Associations Website at www.msana.com. Ive spread enough for this month! see ya next month, J. Michael |
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