Our Guest Sojourner this Month - SK John E. Ferguson PC
The Great architect of the Universe
There was never any doubt in my mind the name of the person we were praying to. If The Great Architect Universe is not The Lord God, and Father of All, then who is it? Scripture tell us of God the Wise Master Builder
and of his laying the corner stone of creation. Who was the architect that designed those
plans? God is the builder of both Heaven and Earth and man was made in his image.
Therefore how can you deny him the title of The Great Architect of the Universe? Man is Scripture speak of God as a wise Master Builder and of his laying the corner stone of creation. When The Supreme Architect of the Universe wanted a house or temple, to dwell among men, he gave man the plans of the temple he wanted to have built. This plan was communicated first to King David. King David communicated the plan to Solomon, who took due notice there of and govern himself accordingly. Solomon, with the help of Hiram King of Tyre, and Hiram Abbif the widows son, completed and furnished the temple. No work or building can begin until The Architect has designs the plans. No man can grasp some of the best lessons found in the Bible without some knowledge of the symbols of Masonry. Likewise no man can grasp the lessons of Masonry without having a profound knowledge of and reverence for, the Holy Bible. Architecture is as old as mankind; and began with the placing of the first rock on top of another rock to block the entrance of his cave from animals or the wind. All knowledge comes from God the Father of All. We therefore learned our building skills from The Great Architect of the Universe. So tell me, why is it wrong to pray to him by that name? John E. Ferguson |
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