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Petition For The Degrees
Royal Arch Masonry

To the Most Excellent High Priest, Excellent King, Excellent Scribe and Companions of :


Goodwin - Hiram Chapter, No. 1, Royal Arch Masons.

I, the undersigned, a Master Mason in good standing and a member of ................................................. Lodge No........, F. & A. M., located at ............................. under the jurisdiction of the Grand Lodge of ......................................................., respectfully petition your Chapter for the Mysteries of Capitular Masonry, and, if found worthy to be elected, promise a faithful compliance with all the Laws, Rules and Regulations of Royal Arch Masons wheresoever dispersed.

I received the Degrees of Symbolic Masonry in ........................................................................ Lodge No..........., F. & A. M., located at ................................ under the jurisdiction of the Grand Lodge of ...................................................

I have never before petitioned for the Capitular Degrees. (If you have, strike out the word "never" and give chapter name, location and action taken: .........................................................................................................)

Date of Birth: ....................................................... Place of Birth: ..........................................................
Home Address: ................................................... Home Telephone Number: .....................................
Employer: ............................................................ Occupation: .............................................................
Business Address: ............................................. Business Telephone Number: ..............................
Social Security Number: .................................... If married, wife’s name: .........................................

I have personally read the foregoing petition and, in testimony of my full understanding thereof, have signed my full name hereto:

(Print name in full)
(Sign name in full)

Chapter Fees: $................ Recommended by:
Deposit: $................ Companion: ...............................................................
Balance: $................ Companion: ...............................................................
