Austin Commandery 84 News
Austin Commandery No.
84 KT
Keystone for January, February, March and April 2005
Sir Knights:
Let me wish all Sir Knights and their families a Happy, Healthy and Prosperous New Year. Let us all seek to make 2005 a special year for Austin Commandery.
The last three months of 2004 were very busy. I believe we had an excellent inspection and a hearty "Thank You" to all the officers for their fine work. The inspection allowed us to welcome new Sir Knights to Austin Commandery. Thanks are also due to Tom and Bonnie Koontz for preparing the Thanksgiving Dinner and to John Jorgenson for taking charge of the arrangements for our Christmas Libations and making it such a success.
Although we will be missing some of our Sir Knights who are enjoying the benefits of warmer weather in their southern locations, our work in the Commandery is not finished.
The beginning of a New Year is a time for making resolutions. Sir Knights, let me ask you to resolve to attend Austin Commandery meetings during 2005. This is the most tangible support you can give to your Eminent Commander and his Officers.
Brian Robson
Eminent Commander