Glenmore Chapter No 170.
Order of The Eastern Star
North Rockhampton,Queensland
Installation 10th March,2001
Worthy District Grand Matron Sis.S Smith,Worthy Matron Sis.Heather Barritt,
Worthy Patron Bro.Robert Mitchell and Worthy District Grand Patron Bro M Smith
Worthy District Grand Matron Sis.S Smith,Worthy Matron Sis.Heather Barritt,
Worthy Patron Bro.Robert Mitchell and Worthy District Grand Patron Bro M Smith
and Office Bearers of Wondai Chapter
Inspection Meeting

(LtoR) Worthy Matron Sis Daphne Kalman, WDGM Sis S Smith, Wothy Patron Bro Robert Mitchell,
WDGP Bro M Smith with Office Bearers of Wondai Chapter
Worthy District Grand Matron Sis S Smith & Worthy District Grand Patron Bro M Smith
with Burnett District Grand Chapter Offices on Wondai Inspection Night
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