Glenmore Chapter No 170
Order of The Eastern Star
North Rockhampton,Queensland
Installation 16th September 2000
Special Installation - Celebrating 40 years

Worthy District Grand Patron Bro Max Smith, Worthy District Grand Matron Sis Sorelle Smith,
Worthy Matron Sis. Dee Buckler, Worthy Patron Bro. Neville Stratford & Office Bearers

Worthy Matron & Worthy Patron about to cut the cake

Sisters & Brothers at the Banquet

Looking at 40 years of Mt Morgan History on display on Installation Day

Discussing part of the 40 year display at Mt Morgan Chapter Installation.

The line up of the Entertainers at the Banquet

Three "Old Maid's" presenting their act
One "OLD Maid" wanted a MAN One "Old Maid" wanted a MAN to Shave
(Bro D. Stewart I.P.M.W.G.P) (Bro M. Smith W.D.G.P.)
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