Glenmore Chapter No 170.
Order of The Eastern Star
North Rockhampton,Queensland
Installation 7th July 2001.
Worthy Matron Sis.Eama Harvey and Worthy Patron Bro.Noel Harvey of Mundubbera Chapter
![](Glen_files\Mbra WM & WDGM.jpg)
{L to r}Bro.Robert McDonald {Associate Patron,Burnett District Grand Chapter},Bro.Robert Hunt,{Worthy
District Grand Patron},Sis.Margaret Hunt,{Worthy District Grand Matron},Worthy Matron Sis.Esma Harvey
{Worthy Matron}, Sis.Val Rein {Warder,Queensland Grand Chapter}
![](Glen_files/MBRA Banquet.jpg)
{L to R} Sis.Merlyn Pollitt,Sis.Val Rein,Sis.Margaret Hunt,Sis.Esma Harvey,
Bro.Noel Harvey,Bro.Robert Hunt,Sis.Kath White,Bro.Owen Savage.
Mundubbera Chapter Office Bearers 2001 - 2002
Worthy Matron |
Esma Harvey |
Worthy Patron |
Noel Harvey |
Associate Matron |
Barbara Swann |
Associate Patron |
Lloyd Bamberry |
Secretary |
Helen Savage |
Treasurer |
Daphne Wells |
Conductress |
Sally Wells |
Associate Conductress |
Bev Stafford |
Chaplain |
Kevin Doessel |
Marshal |
Glenise Doessel |
Organist |
Syliva Kirk |
Warder |
Rob Wells |
Sentinal |
Star Points 2000 - 2001
Adah |
Grace Ruthenberg |
Ruth |
Hazel Albrand |
Esther |
Margery Monk |
Martha |
Thelma Meyer |
Electa |
Joan Ruthenberg |
![](Glen_files/MBRA Inst Cake.jpg)
The Installation Cake had an eatable photo of the Worthy Matron & Worthy Patron placed on it.
![](Glen_files/MBRA WMWP Cutting Cake.jpg)
Worthy Matron Sis.Esma Harvey and Worthy Patron Bro.Noel Harvey cutting the Installation cake.
![](Glen_files/MBRA Entertainers.jpg)
The enternainers, left to right Sis.Glenise Doessel,Sis.Barbara Swann and other partner in crime.
![](Glen_files/MBRA Dancers.jpg)
The enternainers back again to entertain.
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