The Old Based on the traditions in which they were found code in the documents of long-standing, described the historians the old facts which quoted from the old Pharaoh Heathen and Sumerians veterans the following theme:
And according to the categorization of old scientists; That -öANKI -is the unique GOD of heaven and earth , and it has become clear that the ancient history classified in the expression follows, that: ANKI - who wrote all things which are not been congenital created, and that he knows behalf of in the name: Father of the Heaven and Earth and after that he granted-Lights-from his inner self, and after then hi created Human being from his Will and granted him a holly Spirit to accompany and protect honest human being, and then divided him self into two sections, the first one is a heavenly section for Embosoms-Lights inside the secret of nine rays, the second one is to Embosoms a natural of earth and Human Being inside the secret of five rays , then hi split Eternal Angels inside seven rays, and separated his unique combination into tow nature. First one the nature of celestial and is dubbed-AN- and the second the nature of earth and gave it the name of -Ki-and thus become - ööAN- is the celestial father and -Ki - is the mother of ground , and in order to continue interconnectedness between them hi originated from his eternality Angels, Air and Waters, and inside his Embosoms (Emanuel) and merged him with the tow natures Celestial and terrestrial pointed by that to the three elements which compose to point by that the Trinity of GOD who created Human Being in a perfect shape and granted him his trinity for the continuation of life. And Dr. Brother Oliver, annexed "1823" a description distinct from that clarification, in his book "The times of the old Freemasons" and described some of sophistries committed wrote from who interpreted the ancient history an apposed to Emanuel the King of heaven and earth, and added that these sophistries codified pleased the religion which was controlling that Covenant. The Prophet LEHAY -1500 before modern history had described fallacies previous eras, saying: "It eras of black and who painted their policies to mislead human beings into the historical errors serious need of many centuries to be washed ideas and corrected in books. The fact that tarnished concepts will not disappear completely, but will indicate releasing it to the conscience of humanity as pure white and continued after arriving at the coming generations. The covenants which famous historical errors in the formulation of the most heinous acts committed the basest actions that will lead people to captivity and slavery. Wrote one former fraternity: that the people who Hydrocephalus name ANKI had expressed slag intentions and wiliness ideas, because the teacher Emanuel, who visited his own who did not know him. Emanuel is the king of the sky air, and water of ground, and he who addressed the minds of the selected plot and righteous might learn, for repentance and forgiveness. Brother Moro supported all prior statements and confirmed in "1837," affirmed in his book "the universe Masonic amended", and stressed in one of its paragraphs to the definition Freemason follows: "Jesus Emanuel" is the king of sky and the earth and the source of air and water which regulates the biological nature and sustain life, and a choice one that reflects the Creator's light , and effectively granted immortality for the continuation of high survival of the species. The Freemason who recognize that password will deserves to carry the title of the immortal human being . Research connected to knowledge. Grand Secretary Joe Abi Rached |