Far North Consecration>Reservation
Far North Lodge #199, A.F.&A.M., G.R.A. CONSECRATION July 1 to 4, 2004 Inuvik, Northwest Territories Before submitting your registration, please read the registration information below PLEASE CLICK HERE FOR THE REGISTRATION FORM To submit online, complete the form and click the "Send" button. To send by mail, please fill out as completely as possible and return to:
Far North Lodge
1. Please complete and return registration forms as quickly as possible. 2. Deposit of 50% must accompany registration forms. 3. Final payment must be received by Far North Lodge no later than 1 April 2004, in order to confirm aircraft seats, accommodations and campground spaces. 4. Accommodations at the Mackenzie Delta Hotel Group have been blocked, and are based on double occupancy (two people per room). Please indicate if you prefer smoking or non-smoking accommodations. Space is limited to approximately 110 rooms (220 people), so it is important to get your registration in as early as possible. 5. Please give the names of all people you are booking events or paying for. Please make copies of the form if more space is needed. 6. Campground spaces are available at two Territorial Campgrounds – one in Inuvik (Happy Valley) and one just 4 km outside of town (Jak Park). Limited shuttle service will be available from Jak Park. Sites with power and/or sewage pump-out services are available. Please indicate if you will require either on the form. 7. The Charter Aircraft packages include transfers between your hotel and the airport at Inuvik. 8. For information on BC/Yukon travel arrangements, please contact Brother Tom Mickey in Whitehorse (email tmickey@polarcom.com, phone (867) 633-6870). 9. Overall space is limited to 400 people. Please get your registration forms in early. 10. All listed rates are PER PERSON, based on double occupancy. In other words, if you and your spouse are coming to Inuvik, you would pay for two hotel packages. 11. Spouses or family members not attending the Consecration Ceremony should book the “Banquet/Dance Only” rather than the “Delegate Registration”. Note that the delegate registration includes the banquet / dance. 12.
Refund / Cancellation Policy: 13. If submitting the form by mail, please print or type all information, and in as much detail as possible. 14. Please make cheques payable to “FAR NORTH LODGE CONSECRATION”. 15. VISA or Mastercard charges may not appear as “Far North Lodge” on your statement. Various businesses in the Town of Inuvik have graciously offered use of their merchant accounts for this event. In case of any errors, please contact the Consecration Committee. 16. Various commemorative items will likely be available (at a cost). Profits from these items will help support Far North Lodge. 17. A draw will be held during the banquet. The winner will receive the cost of whatever package or events they booked, up to a maximum of $2,000. 18. Please send all registration forms to: Far North Lodge
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