Charlie Rademaker

Perhaps, membership could be better sustained if we masons worked harder to remain current in our ways of thinking. I mean this not necessarily in regards to technology anything tangible, but rather in regards to open-mindedness and tolerance. I know for a fact that lodges have lost prospective and current members to racial and religious bigotry. I am not of a racial minority, but I am deeply offended to hear racial slurs and relidious bigotry uttered within the walls of a masonic lodge. Masonry should embody tolerance, not espouse it. Popular culture today embraces the differences among people and masonry should follow suite. I don't think it matters that many masons are aged and grew up hating those who are different - masonry is supposed to teach a better way. Fewer men now are bigots as in days gone by, which makes one wonder why our numbers are shrinking when our purpose is allegedly the opposite.