The Lodge


Regular Meetings: First and Third Wednesdays at 7:30 pm

Dinners: First Wednesdays at 6:30

Degree Work/Lodge of Instruction: Off Wednesdays at 7:30


Worshipful Master: Paul G.. Vernagelli

Paul was born in Schenectady, New York December 28, 1943, moved to Roswell, New Mexico in 1944. Graduated from Roswell High School and New Mexico State University. Served as a pilot in the U.S. Navy. Paul lives in Edgewood, New Mexico with his wife Candace. They have five daughters. Paul was raised in Estancia Lodge #33 April 10, 1996 and now serves as SW. He is an active member of the Santa Fe Scottish Rite and is a Noble of the Mystical Shrine, Ballut Abyad Temple, Albuquerque, New Mexico.

Senior Warden: Daryl Abraham

Junior Warden: Buster Gates

Secretary: Fred B. Frye

WB Fred B. Frye was born in Kansas City, Missouri in 1948. Raised in Miles City and Glasgow, Montana, he later spent 4 years in the U.S. Navy and hired on with the FAA as an Air Traffic Controller in 1974. WB Fred was Raised in Sandoval Lodge No. 76 in Rio Rancho, New Mexico in 1988 and was Master in 1992. His wife, Vicki and he met and married in 1990. He affiliated with Estancia Lodge No.33 in 1994 and was "elected" Secretary the same year.

Treasurer, WB Ray E. Butler
Chaplain, RWB Jimmie A. Berkey
Junior Grand Deacon
Senior Deacon, Rhett M. Butler Junior Deacon, James E. Braman
Senior Steward, Bruce E. CainJunior Steward, Ralph A, Easley
Marshal, William D. HaleyTyler, WB Roy V. McConkey III
Music, WB J. Morrow Hall, Grand Musician


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