Harry Allen Ohrt born
and raised at Milestone, Saskatchewan BA
(U of Sask) MD (U of Manitoba)
GP at Kenmare, ND & Maple Ridge, BC
Certified American Board of Radiology 1965.
Practiced in Fargo with Radiologists Ltd, since 1964.
Al was raised a Master Mason in Kenmare Lodge
No. 70 (ND); Wm Sunrise # 130 1969-70;
Past Grand Master 1991-92
PM (Hon) Fargo Daylight Lodge # 135 and
presently Secretary.
KYCH (Knight York Cross Honor) 1985. Past Grand
High Priest of Royal Arch Masons 1993.
Past Most Illustrious Grand Master of Council
of Cryptic Rite Masons 2001
Intendant General for ND, Red Cross of
Screening Chairman for ND & SD for Royal Order
of Scotland
Past President and present Secretary Fargo
Moorhead Chapter # 338 National Sojourners.
Member Allied Masonic Degrees; York Rite
College; Holy Royal Arch Knight Templar Priests;
Knight Masons; Order of Eastern Star.
Member of Banner Lodge No. 4, IOOF and Charter
Member of Whidley Lodge # 55, Fargo.
KCCH (Knight Court of Honor) 1999; Coroneted
33rd Degree (Honorary) Dec. 2003