The Quarry Observer Cayce Masonic Lodge #384 A.F.M |
January 2025 |
-Send items directly to the Newsletter Editor |
Monday, February
17th EA Degree Monday, March 3rd
Business Meeting Friday, March 7th Friends & Family night at Cayce Lodge (potluck dinner) Greetings from the East, I hope this finds each of you in
good health and good cheer. Please keep all of those on our prayer list in your daily
devotions. As our country begins a new administration please pray for our leaders. Our
country faces many challenges and our leaders need the guidance of the all mighty to get
us on the right track. Please remember to also give thanks for the many blessings we have
been given and for the many answered prayers. Thank you to all those who came
out to our February stated meeting. We had an excellent meal prepared by WB John Howell
our Junior Warden. Brother Dustan, our Senior Warden sat in the East and conducted a very
good meeting. The reports on investigations was received as favorable and the craft voted
to affiliate Brother Jorge Navarrete and to accept Mr. Bryan Nesbit for the Entered
Apprentice degree. WB John Howell will be conferring this degree on Monday February 17th.
Brothers, please plan to come out and support this new candidate as he begins his journey.
The Audit committee report was given and all funds were found to be accounted for and our
books balanced. Brother Wesley Williams who is an accountant by trade has
headed this committee for many years now and I want to recognize and thank him for his
service to the lodge. Brother Mark Hanslip reported that he has been able to get us a
better and more reliable phone and internet provider. Thank you Brother Mark for your
efforts on this issue. I invite you all to attend a
covered dish at the lodge on Friday March 7th for our quarterly Friends and Family. Why
not plan now to bring your family and friends, attend this covered dish, and enjoy the
fellowship of our lodge? Saturday April the 5th at 10 am we will be having a Magic
the Gathering tournament. If you are someone you know are interested in
participating please get signed up by contacting any officer or on our lodge web site.
Entry fee is $10 and prizes will be given. Our Grand Lodge Annual Communication will be
April 24th and 25th in Spartanburg SC. We will be electing Grand Lodge officers this year.
If interested in attending let me know and I can give any details you may need. On
Saturday July 19th we will be hosting an E tournament. Brother Dustan is
working on the details and we will get them to you in a future newsletter. Your lodge officers are working
to confer good degree work and Masonic education, provide opportunity for social
fellowship and plan events to support the lodge financially. We cannot accomplish this
alone, we need your help. If you have any suggestions or ideas we encourage you to make
then known. We do not have all the answers, but together we can continue to
see Cayce Lodge prosper. Until next time, Mark Pridgen, PM, WM Greetings from the West! Cayce
Lodge 384 had a fantastic turnout for our second business meeting of the year! We were
honored to have visiting brethren join us, as well as members celebrating their Masonic
anniversaries. Thank you all for coming out and making it a night of great fellowship! Now,
lets talk about whats coming upmark those calendars because weve
got some exciting events ahead! Upcoming
Events February 17th | EA Degree |
Dinner @ 6:45 PM, Degree to Follow Cayce Lodge will be putting on an Entered Apprentice Degree on February 17th. We will gather
for a meal at 6:45 PM, with the degree following
dinner. Come out and help us welcome a new brother into the fraternity! March 7th | Friends & Family Covered Dish | 6:30 PM Join us at the Lodge for our first Friends & Family Covered Dish Dinner of the year! Bring
a dish, bring your friends, and bring your appetite because its going to be an
evening filled with good food and even better company. April 5th | Magic: The Gathering Tournament | 10:00 AM | $10 Entry Fee Summon your creatures, cast your spells, and show
off your deck-building skills! Whether youre a Planeswalker-in-training or a
seasoned duelist, our Magic: The Gathering tournament
is the perfect chance to battle for glory (and prizes!). Entry is just $10, and skilled winners will walk away with some great
rewards. Think youve got what it takes to be the Lodges
MTG Champion? Lets find out on April 5th! July 19th | Esports
Tournament | 10:00 AM | $20 Entry Fee Gamers, get ready! Our Esports
Tournament is happening July 19th. Stay tuned for more details, but expect
some fierce competition, great games, and maybe even a few surprises along the way. Lodge
Happenings Degree
Practice | Saturdays After Business Meetings | 10:00 AM If youre interested in learning degree work
or just want to sharpen your skills, join us for our Saturday morning degree practice. Whether youre a veteran or new to the
craft, its a great opportunity to get involved. Hope you all have a wonderful Valentines
Day! Normally, Id say stay warm, but with
our South Carolina weather, that doesnt seem to
be an issue right now! Until
next time, Fraternally, Dustan Eberhardt, SW Greetings from the South, I sincerely hope that the year has
started well with you. Your Lodge is doing well and have a EA degree coming up February
17th eat at 6:45pm gavel drops 7:30pm. We also planning for a fundraiser details
forthcoming. As I write this I have a request, pray for each other and our Nation, as
always we look forward to seeing you I pray that the year will be filled with many
blessings and joy. Until we meet again God Bless you
all. John
LIST: The United
States of America All the
Troops, the Police and Firefighters, First Responders and all others who help protect and
serve us, also all the Doctors and Nurses and others on the front lines. Prayers for
our Grand Lodge of SC, AFM Jim Bickley Wor. Bro. Julian
Bevel & family Linda Birchfield
(Masonic Widow) Bro. Bubba Burleys
wife Bill Campbell Ms. Sue Carver &
MWB Jerry Scott Chattin &
family (sons health) A.G. Dantzler Michael Dembitsky Lyndsey (Dustan)
Eberhardts father RWB Marvin Epting Mac Graham & his
wife Howard Griffith MWB Steve Hames, GM
(health) Tom Halcum Wor, Bro. Larry
Harris (shoulder surgery) Wor. Bro. Jeff
Hutchison Gary James Wor. Bro. Mike
Lamberts mother Brother Richard
Merritt & wife (Brenda) Bro. Loy Millers
wife (Claudette) Wor. Bro. Derek
Montrose Brother Nate Meyers
(health) Gail Rickman (MWB
Barry) and grandson Betty Price (Masonic Widow) Terri Smith (wife of
RWB Ed) MWB Sam Tennyson Angela Tsuboi Mike Vinson Please help us keep this list updated by contacting the Lodge; any officer or brother; or by e-mail: Cayce
Lodge offers deepest sympathy to the family of 60+ year member brother William Watts as we
just recently learned of his passing in November 2024 to the Celestial Lodge above. |