AND LODGE OF AMITY #5                                                                                           

 The Valley of Cambridge has named its Fall Class for American Union #1 and Lodge of Amity #5 for the part they played in the formation of the Grand Lodge of Ohio in 1808.  This year marked the 200th anniversary of this historic Masonic event and the recognition of these two lodges, that have been so important to masonry in Ohio, is rightly deserved. American Union #1 at Marietta, Ohio was originally a military lodge that operated under a warrant issued February 15, 1776 by Richard Gridley, Esq., Deputy Grand Master of the Grand Lodge in Great Britain. Two members of American Union Lodge, Worshipful Master Jonathan Heart and Rufus Putnam, were among the first inhabitants of Marietta and they along with several others masons convened the first meeting of American Union Lodge in Ohio on June 28, 1790.  American Union was recognized by the Grand Lodges of Pennsylvania and Massachusetts.  American Union #1 includes among its members three Past Grand Masters and four governors of Ohio and the Northwest Territory.

Lodge of Amity #5 at Zanesville, Ohio was Lodge #105 on the roll of the Grand Lodge of Pennsylvania. Their warrant was granted on June 24, 1805 with Lewis Cass as its Worshipful Master. A set of officer’s jewels was presented to the Lodge of Amity #105 by the Grand Lodge of Pennsylvania, which are still in their possession. The first meeting of record was held Septemer 26, 1806. Worshipful Brother Cass would later become the Grand Master of Masons in Ohio and the Grand Master of Masons in Michigan.

The Valley of  Cambridge is happy and honored to name their 2008 Fall Class for American Union #1 F&AM, Marietta and Lodge of Amity #5 F&AM, Zanesville.   



    The 196th Annual Meeting of the Supreme Council of the Ancient Accepted Scottish Rite of the Northern Masonic Jurisdiction was recently held at Providence, Rhode Island. On Tuesday August 26, 2008 the 33º was conferred upon 104 candidates which included William E. Davis, Thomas C. Fisher, and Jeffrey L. Miller from the Valley of Cambridge.  William E. Davis is a member and past master of Sunbury #362, Past District Deputy Grand Master, and presently serves as High Priest in the Cambridge Council Princes of Jerusalem.  Thomas C. Fisher is a member and past master of Guernsey #66 and presently serves as Executive Secretary of the Valley of Cambridge.  Jeffrey L. Miller is a member and past master of Freeport #415, Past District Deputy Grand Master and presently serves as Deputy Master of the Cambridge Lodge of Perfection.



 At the Supreme Council session in Providence Rhode Island in August, 2008 Ill. Neil M. Smalley, 33º announced that Ralph E. Crossan from the Valley of Cambridge was elected to receive the 33rd Degree at the Annual Meeting in August, 2009 at Boston, Massachusetts.  Ralph is a member and past master of Somerset #76, has been a member of the Valley of Cambridge since 1958, and is presently serving as Grand Chaplain for the Grand Lodge of Ohio. 


Valley of Cambridge Mission

The thirty-second Degree Masons, Valley of Cambridge, Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite, is a brotherhood that builds the moral character of men by portrayal of Masonic principals, making good men better, through belief in God, love of Country and strengthening family ties. 

About the Scottish Rite 

The Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite of Freemasonry is commonly known as the Scottish Rite. Our symbol is the double-headed eagle. It is one of several appendant groups of the worldwide fraternity known as Freemasonry. Each Valley has up to four Scottish Rite bodies, and each body confers a set of degrees. In the Northern Jurisdiction these are the Lodge of Perfection (4°–14°), Council of Princes of Jerusalem (15°–16°), Chapter of Rose Croix (17°–18°), and the Consistory (19°–32°). The Supreme Council confers the 33rd Degree of Sovereign Grand Inspector General. 

The Scottish Rite is one of the two branches of Freemasonry in which a Master Mason may proceed after he has completed the three degrees of Symbolic or Blue Lodge Masonry. The other branch is known as the York Rite, consisting of Royal Arch Masons, Royal and Select Masters and the Knights Templar.

The history of The Scottish Rite Valley of Cambridge can be viewed HERE as soon as it becomes available from Worshipful Brother Ivan Tribe KYCH.

Contact Information

The Scottish Rite Valley of Cambridge is pleased to have our members contact us for anything they may need.  We have several ways to contact us but first you should use this web page to find what you are looking for.  If there is something missing or wrong with this page, please let the web master know ASAP so the problem or error can be fixed.  Thank You for visiting our Valley on the World Wide Web.

Postal address
Electronic mail
General Information: Cambridge32@roadrunner.com
Webmaster: John Winnett