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Billie Mosse Lodge Officers 2010/2011
Mosse Officers | Telephone | Email Addresses |
Keith Bates, W.M. | (903) 624-3808 | k_bates@sbcglobal.net |
Jack Mayo, S.W. | (903) 813-8482 | grumpyjack@cableone.net |
Joel Followell, J.W. | (903) 463-9556 | bfolowel@swbell.net |
James Harris, Tres. | (903) 465-1633 | james3553@att.net |
Harold Franks, Sec. | (903) 465-5870 | billiemosse@att.net |
Rusty Denny, Chap. | (903) 465-7780 | |
Jimmy Cravens, S.D. | (903) 463-2114 | JCRAVENS@denisonisd.net |
Michael Lorensen, J.D. | (903) 465-6844 | |
Sam Mitchell, S.Stwrd. | (903) 744-4179 | |
Joe Kietz J.Stwrd. | (903) 327-8543 | |
Ronnie Smith, Marshal | (903) 462-3414 | |
Clifford Carrigan, M.C. | (903) 465-2102 | |
Robert Doran, Musician | (903) 463-5113 | |
Tim Neal, Tyler | (903) 463-7176 | |

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