Ashgrove Officers Star Points
--------------Sis.Betty Francis P.W.M.
Sybil Hirn *
Ruth Broom P.W.D.G.M *.
Win Mitchell *
note * Star indicates not Installed Office Bearers
Since our Installation
we have had only one Fund Raising Function which was A Hot Pot
Luncheon which we combined with Dayboro Chapter. This was a
great success and both Chapters benefited financially. The
entertainment for the afternoon was The Royal Country Scottish
Dancers which was enjoyed by all attending.
Our Chapter has welcomed 3 more links to our golden chain with
3 Sisters affiliating with our Chapter.
At our
June Meeting we were honoured by a visit from the Worthy
Grand Matron, Worthy Grand Patron and Office Bearers of the
Grand Chapter of Queensland, the purpose of their visit was to
Install Bro. Frank Van Lissom as Worthy District Grand Patron
of the Brisbane District Grand Chapter. This was very exciting
for our Chapter and our Matron conducted the Meeting very
confidently as she was a very new Worthy Matron.There were a
total of 92 Members attending from 11 Chapters including
Worthy District Grand Matron,Worthy District Grand
Patron and Office Bearers from South Brisbane District Grand
Chapter, what a wonderful night
next Fund Raising Function is a Fashion Parade and Devonshire
Afternoon Tea combined with Dayboro & Stafford Chapters
This will be held on Sunday 26th October 2003 at 2.00p.m. in
the O.E.S.Hall Kedron. All Welcome..
This is all the news for now
....................With Star Friendship ............
Remember to view our LINKS.
.......Peninsular Chapter. ....Brisbane
District Grand Chapter.....
Glrnmore Chapter 170.....General
Grand Chapter.....United Grand Lodge
Qld....Caboolture Chapter 116.