Rite degree work is divided into Historical Sections
Ineffable Degrees
4° - 14° - Conferred in a "Lodge of Perfection"
4° - Master
An exploration of Masonry’s time-honored wisdom in harmony
with any man’s faith or creed.
5° - Perfect Master
This degree describes how selfish thoughts and unworthy
ambitions corrupt and destroy the moral spirit of man.
6° - Master of the Brazen Serpent
This degree teaches Faith, Courage and Discipline help to
keep us strong and secure.
7° - Provost and Judge
The importance of right conduct in our daily lives,do not
judge hastily, be just, fair, and merciful.
8° - Intendant of the Building
Each new honor is a step toward moral perfection and that
each honor earned demands attention to a particular duty.
9° - Master of the Temple
This degree shows that God is best served by those who best
serve their fellowmen.
10° - Master Elect
Learn from the errors of your fellow man and be aware of the
consequences of the violation of your obligations.
11° - Sublime Master Elected
Public office is a public trust, and that public officials
owe a special obligation to those whom they are chosen to serve.
12° - Master of Mercy
The quality of forgiveness, a spirit of compassion and a
tenderness of heart to cease to feel enmity or resentment toward others.
13° - Master of the Ninth Arch
The true and faithful should not be deterred by difficulties
and dangers, however great, from pressing onward toward Perfection.
14° - Grand Elect Mason
This degree describes the constant endeavor of perfection of
Historical Degrees
15° - 16° - Conferred in a "Council of Princes of Jerusalem"
15° -
Knight of the East
This degree teaches the important lessons of loyalty to
conviction, fidelity to duty and devotion to Truth.
16° - Prince of Jerusalem
This degree is a drama of the rewards found in the lessons of
the 15 degree
Philosophical Degrees
17° - 18° - Conferred in a "Chapter of Rose Croix"
17° -
Knight of the East and West
This degree teaches that one should learn from, and avoid
repeating, the errors of the past.
18° - Knight of the Rose Croix of H. R. D. M.
The principles of tolerance are affirmed and grants to each
man the right to answer, in his own way, his convictions.
in a "Chapter of Rose Croix"
Traditional and Chivalric Degrees
19° - 32° - Conferred in a "Consistory" of the Royal Secret
19° - Grand
This degree proclaims belief in God no matter what religion,
should unite men together.
20° - Master Ad Vitam
This degree confronts disloyalty and treason, and condemns
those who conspire against the security of the nation.
21° - Patriarch Noachite
This degree teaches that Freemasonry is not a shield for evil
doing and that justice is one of the chief supports of our fraternity.
22° - Prince of Libanus
This degree teaches that labor is dignified. It is a
privilege, for man to be allowed to earn his sustenance by work.
23° - Chief of the Tabernacle
This degree teaches that those with faith in God and love for
their fellow man will make great sacrifices to help others.
24° - Brother of the Forest
This degree teaches that a mutual belief in a Supreme Power
should bind all men together in a world-wide brotherhood.
25° - Master of Achievement
This degree teaches that man must work if he is to receive
the wages of life and develops the virtue of industriousness.
26° - Friend and Brother Eternal
The principles of forbearance, charity, and fraternal love
and the virtues of brotherhood give rise to the practice of good citizenship.
27° - Knight of Jerusalem
The individual must be governed by his own conscience,
without compromise of principle or conviction.
28° - Knight of the Sun
By building high moral character among its adherents,
Freemasonry may advance man's unity and good will throughout the world.
29° - Knight of St. Andrew
The teachings of equality and toleration, faithfulness to our
own convictions, and respect for the opinions of others.
30° - Grand Inspector
Justice is is found when we listen attentively and without
prejudice, deliberate calmly and impartially, and act decisively.
31° - Knight Aspirant
Love is the eternal gift of God, obey the dictates of
conscience, respond loyally to your country’s call and the call of humanity.
32° - Sublime Prince of the Royal Secret
Victory of the spiritual over the human in man and the
conquest of appetites and passions by moral sense and reason.
Official Degree
33° - Conferred by the Supreme Council
33° - Sovereign Grand Inspector General -
This Degree is conferred by the Supreme Council upon
Freemasons of the 32° in recognition of distinguished Masonic or Public service.