A History of High Knob Lodge #697 F&AM
Shepherdtown, Kentucky
Over One Hundred Years of Masonry

High Knob Lodge Homepage - http://mastermason.com/697

October 21, 1896
John W. Mullins, Daniel S. Botkin and Marion Muncy traveled to Louisville to receive a charter for a new lodge at High Knob in Clay County to be known as High Knob Lodge Number 697, Free and Accepted Masons. Other charter members were: Green Amyx, John Botkin, Henry Botkin, Felix Estridge, Jacob Gabbard, Enoch Longsworth, Elihu McDaniel, Charles Robinson and David Turner.

The lodge met at One PM on the Saturday after the full moon.

Lodge dues were $2.00.

(Joseph Ponder and Leander Robinson were the first candidates to receive the Entered Apprentice Degree at High Knob.)

June 12, 1900
Funeral services were conducted for Rev. Marion Muncy. Rev. Muncy had served as Master in 1899.
September 12,1903
A committee consisting of Zachariah Jackson, Perry W. Welch and Charley Robinson was formed to consider selling the original building and choosing a site for a new hall.
February 6, 1904
A committee consisting of John H. Ward, Zachariah Jackson and Felix Eastridge was formed to select a site which was the cheapest and most convenient for the new lodge hall and to establish a line with Pond Fork Lodge #601.
March 5, 1904
Three sites for the new hall were listed. Site #1 would cost $12.50 and would begin at an oak bush above the road on top of the bank below the road on top of the bank below Elihu Eastridge running North 8 rods, thence east 5 rods, South 8 rods thence, to the beginning which contained one-fourth of an acre. Site #2 would cost $15.00 and Site #3 would cost $25.00. Site #1 was chosen.

A committee consisting of James Morris, Elihu W. McDaniel and John H. Ward was appointed to confer with Robert Clark Lodge #646 on jurisdiction.
April 2, 1904
The lodge voted to reconsider the location of the new lodge hall. The new site was to begin on an oak above the Perry Welch place, running a strip 1/2 rod wide to the top of Hill in the Elihu Eastridge field to a 50 feet front and on 75 feet back, continuing in all about 1/8 of an acre. The asking price was $25.00.

The lodge voted to take off the top of the High Knob Hall and to take the mid flooring and framing from the mid joist at any time seen fit.
July 2, 1904
A letter was received from O.D. Thomas, Grand Master of the Grand Lodge of Kentucky granting the lodge their request to move their lodge hall about a mile in distance from their present location, seeing that Pond Fork lodge had agreed to the change in jurisdiction.

A committee was appointed to obtain a deed to the property purchased from Elihu Eastridge near the High Knob post office and to draw out from the treasure $25.00 to pay for the site.

The Building committee was empowered to receive bids on the hall to be built and have the power to accept the lowest bid and to reject any and all bids. Bids must include how much the bidder shall furnish and how much the lodge must furnish, such as windows and lumber. The committee consisted of: Elihu McDaniel, John B. Bond, James H. Forman, John H. Ward, and Perry W. Welch.
July 30, 1904
The building committee reported they had let the bid on the lodge hall to Eli Baker at the cost of $134.00. The work was to commence on August 1, 1904 and to be completed August 26, 1904. The lodge voted to draw $25.00 from the treasury to make a down payment to Mr. Baker and empowered the committee to borrow what was needed to finish the building.

James H. Forman was appointed to haul the furniture to the High Knob Post Office.

The Master ordered the lodge to meet at the new lodge hall at the next stated meeting, August 27, 1904.
August 27, 1904
The first meeting was held in the High Knob Hall in Jackson County. Lodge was opened at 2:30 PM. The building committee was to draw from the treasurer $25.00 to pay on the hall and again was to draw $49.18 to pay on the hall and borrowed from Miss Eauline Bond $62.32.

The secretary was ordered to borrow enough money to pay for Grand lodge dues should enough not be collected in time.
October 1, 1904
The lodge voted to allow the Master, John W. Mullins, to return the seal of the lodge to the Grand Lodge and to have the seal changed to reflect the new location of the Lodge Hall.
October 20, 1904
The lodge ordered Brother Stephen McQueen to buy and install a stove. The lodge paid 75 cents to John W. Mullins for the lodge seal.
September 16, 1905
The lodge voted to buy oil and four wall forms and have the hall roof painted. Perry W. Welch, J.S. Rains and John B. Bond were appointed to the committee.
October 14, 1905
The building committee voted that Brother Alex Steel was to be paid one dollar per day to paint hall and the roof. A motion was made by John H. Ward and seconded by J.S. Rains to have Brother Steel buy white lead and blue paint. (He was paid $2.00 at the next meeting.)

The lodge voted to draw $4.75 from the treasury to buy wall lamps and lamp oil. Brother Perry W. Welch was ordered to buy a stove and have it installed by the next meeting and to take the money from the treasury.
December 19, 1905
The lodge ordered Brother Perry W. Welch to furnish five bushels of coal for the stove.
July 7, 1906
A petition was received to vote on a new lodge to be established at Caution in Clay County, Kentucky. The lodge voted against the right to establish a new lodge.
August 11, 1906
A petition was received to vote on a new lodge to be established at Manchester in Clay County, Kentucky. The lodge voted against the right to establish a new lodge. A petition was also received to reconsider the new lodge at Caution. The lodge voted not to reconsider.
September 8, 1906
A petition was received to reconsider the vote on the new lodge at Manchester. This time the lodge voted to give the right to establish the new lodge. A petition was received to reconsider the vote on the new lodge at Caution. The lodge voted to not reconsider.

The lodge voted to pay 50 cents to Miss Marian Welch for refreshments of pies and cakes.
October 6, 1906
The lodge voted to have Perry W. Welch to put up stove, polish it and furnish three joints of pipe and then present a bill to the lodge. He was to investigate the price of carpet and spittoons.

The lodge voted to allow the new lodge at Caution to be established if it was also approved by Manchester, Robert Clark and Oneida lodges and that action would be taken on the Manchester lodge first by the Grand Lodge.
November 3, 1906
The lodge voted to provide money to buy building paper and wall paper and carpet and spittoons to furnish the hall. A committee consisting of Brother Perry W. Welch, Brother John B. Bond and Brother John W. Mullins was formed to investigate best prices and report at the next meeting.
December 1, 1906
A claim was allowed to draw from treasury $14.24 for wall paper and carpet, paper and hauling. Brother Issac Langdon was paid $4.00 for being Tyler at 8 meetings and $1.00 for washing aprons. Secretary, James H. Forman, was paid $13.68 for 12 meetings and 68 cents in stamps.
January 5, 1907
The petition fee was $10.00, the Entered Apprentice fee was $5.00, the Fellowcraft fee was $5.00 and the Master Mason fee was $5.00.

A motion was made and passed that John B. Bond and Enoch Longworth put on the sheeting and wall paper, put the carpet down and put up the stove and say what their time is worth.
February 2, 1907
The lodge voted to pay John B. Bond and Enoch Longsworth $4.50 each for the work on the hall. Perry W. Welch was ordered to have 18 aprons made and he was paid $1.50 for refreshments.
March 2, 1907
Perry W. Welch was paid $1.85 for 18 aprons. The lodge ordered that Mckee Lodge #144 could confer the Master Mason Degree on Brother William Murry at his request.
March 30, 1907
The lodge voted to pay John B. Bond $1.00 for 18 spittoons and that the lodge let him have 3 1/2 yards of carpet and that would settle the account in full.
August 24, 1907
The lodge paid Grand Lodge Dues which were $99.00.
May 16, 1908
The lodge voted to have a celebration June 24, 1908 and for Secretary, James Forman, to cordially invite in writing the sister lodges: Pond Fork #601, Robert Clark #646, Pleasant Hill #535, Caution U.D., Manchester #794, William McKinley #793, McKee #144 and Oneida #736.
June 5, 1909
A committee from High Knob Lodge #205 Knights of Pythagoras asked the Masonic lodge to make them an offer for one-half interest in the Masonic Hall. The lodge voted to sell one-half interest to the Knights of Pythagoras for $175.00. The Secretary was ordered to pay the recording fee for the deed.
August 7, 1909
A motion was made to increase the amount of dues per member for the maintenance of the old Masons Home by twenty-five cents. Ten voted against and two voted for the increase.

The lodge voted to recommend a lodge at Fogertown.
September 4, 1909
The lodge ordered the Secretary to write the Grand Master that the action of this lodge in recommending a lodge at Fogertown was illegal and tell him to withhold dispensation for said lodge until this lodge could take legal action in the matter.

The lodge voted to buy four dozen parade and funeral badges and four dozen white gloves. The lodge voted to have 200 copies of the by-laws printed.
February 26, 1910
The lodge voted to raise dues to $2.25 per year to be paid on or before the 31st day of March.
May 28, 1910
The lodge purchased a resolution of respect for Jacob Gabbard in the Masonic Home Journal at the cost of $1.75.
February 18, 1911
The lodge paid C.C. Clark $2.10 for a new minutes book.
April 15, 1911
The lodge voted to buy ballots.
July 10, 1911
The lodge donated Brother Henry L. Morgan's widow $10.00. Brother William S. Shell and Brother Enoch Longworth were appointed to go to Mrs. Morgan and see if she would consent to have her children placed in the Masonic orphan's home and take her the money donated to her by the lodge.
February 3, 1912
Lodge voted to buy a manual of the lodge and receipt book and paid ten cents for a dipper.
April 6, 1912
The lodge voted to pay Lizzie Teague fifty cents for washing aprons.
June 1, 1912
Lodge ordered that William M. Wilson buy four good curtains for the windows.
July 6, 1912
Lodge voted to pay William M. Wilson eighty cents for one-half blinds and to pay J.W. Lannders $1.00 for lodge manual.
August 28, 1915
Lee J. Webb of Pond Fork Lodge #601 was present to ask permission to move their lodge hall to Bond, Kentucky which was cheerfully granted.

Fifty cents was paid to the Masonic Home Journal for one Receipt book for keeping a record of dues. $2.25 was paid to Crit Bond for wages in full as Secretary (less stamps) for the year of 1915. A note against the lodge was given John B. Bond for $32.00 to be sent to the Grand Lodge with annual returns which was sent with $40.05 cash. Total amount being $72.50 for all members.
March 25, 1916
An amendment of Chapter eight in the by-laws was passed that the dues by the members of the Lodge shall be $2.75 each year to be paid on or before the 31st day of March.
February 14, 1917
The lodge met for the purpose of discussing whether the lodge can send to the Masonic Home the two children of Brother John H. Ward, deceased. William S. Shell was ordered by the lodge to go to Conway, Kentucky for the purpose of getting data for an application which would allow the children go to the Masonic Widows and Orphans home.
March 10, 1917
The lodge ordered that the Treasurer pay William S. Shell $6.00 in full for Doctors statements and other expenses incurred for the sending Brother John H. Ward's two children to the Widows and Orphans home, Louisville, Kentucky. William S. Shell was ordered by the lodge to go the Widows and Orphans Home with the children of John H. Ward.

(Brother John H. Ward died January 23, 1917. His two children were sent to the Masonic Widows and Orphans Home, Roy Dexter Ward, born August 14, 1903 and Ora May Ward, born February 13, 1906). They entered the Masonic Home June 5, 1917.

Lodge voted that the treasurer pay James H. Forman fifteen cents for window lights for lodge room windows.

Lodge ordered the secretary to write the secretary of Breathitt Lodge #649 in regard to the helpless condition of Alfred A Gambill, now in our jurisdiction for assistance.
June 9, 1917
Expenses spent by Brother William S. Shell for taking two children of Brother John H. Ward was as follows: round trip from Bond to Louisville $17.62. The lodge received back from William S. Shell $2.38 from the $10.00 drawn from the treasury.

High Knob Lodge borrowed from Lucian S. Bond $10.00 at 10% interest.
September 8, 1917
The lodge sent to Grand Lodge $74.00 for Grand Lodge dues for 1917.

The lodge borrowed from Lucian S. Bond $14.49 to finish paying Grand Lodge dues.
September 13, 1919
The lodge sent to T.J. Adams, Superintendent of the Widows and Orphans Home, discharge papers for the release of Ray Ward, age 16, from the home. He had been on vacation and did not return to the Home at the time prescribed by the Rules and Regulations governing the home.
September 24, 1921
The lodge voted to notify Brother James W. Robinson to be at the next Regular stated meeting to answer charges that he was selling spurious books.

An amendment was passed by unanimous ballot to change bylaws. The lodge changed the meeting date from the Saturday after the full moon to the fourth Saturday in each month.
October 22, 1921
During a trial for Brother James Robinson it was testified by Brother Robert D. Melton that Robinson, did on or about the 10th of July, 1921 at the public square in London offer to sell him the book "Morgan's Exposure of Masonry" a book exposing the secrets of masonry. (During the regular meeting in November Robinson was expelled.)
November 25, 1922
The lodge voted to pay $2.85 to the Masonic Home Journal to pay for Resolution of Respect for Brother Zachriar Jackson.

Robert D. Melton and James H. Forman were ordered to buy stove and repair stove flue and draw on treasury for same. Brother Robert D. Melton and Brother John B. Bond were ordered to confer with Eastern Star chapter to help pay for the stove.

(This is the only mention of an Easter Star Chapter at the High Knob lodge hall.)

The lodge requested Secretary, James Forman, write John Pitman lodge #690 to come the fourth Saturday in December and bring the Winding Stairs and confer the Winding Stair Lecture.
February 23, 1924
A letter from Mrs. George Washington Brown was read before the lodge. Secretary, Lucian Bond, was asked to correct her as to wether she was entitled to $20.00 for burial expenses.

"I wrote her February 25, 1924 that the lodge never did allow anyone burial expenses. Nothing more than to give what ever the lodge saw fit to give, if they are not able to support them selves, or have some kind of a income and are in distressful circumstances and the she has been misinformed about it, I'm sorry to say so." wrote Bond.
March 28, 1925
The lodge voted to pay Brother Lincoln Shell $1.05 for some lumber to build steps.
June 27, 1925
During 1925 the Grand Lodge of Kentucky ordered a $5.00 assessment for each member for the Widow's and Orphans home. This raised dues from $3.25 to $8.25. During this June meeting a total of six members were suspended for non-payment of dues.

(Between 1925 and 1930 High Knob Lodge lost over 20 members by suspension or demit.)
January 23, 1926
Robert D. Melton, Master, said he would donate to the lodge, if he or his proxy goes to the next Grand Lodge meeting in 1926, all his mileage and per dime above his expenses. Brother William S. Shell promised to donate the mileage per dime of 1925 (last year) all above his expenses and two years dues. Lucian S. Bond donated his Secretaries labor for 1925. It was moved that the lodge make a note and raise $100.00 to finish paying off the 1925 Widow and Orphan's New Home assessment and to send it to the Grand Lodge office by March 1, 1926.
June 26,1926
Nine members were suspended for non-payment of dues.
August 28, 1926
A list of the names of the members of Pond Fork Lodge #601 were read. This lodge had gone defunct due to the inability of the lodge to pay Grand Lodge dues and assessments. High Knob lodge recommended to the Grand Lodge that each member of Pond Fork in good standing be granted a demit. High Knob lodge voted that they would be willing to move into the old Pond Fork hall at Annville.

(In the 1927 minutes the following visitors from Pond Fork were listed, therefore; going defunct was a temporary situation: Henry Smith, George Roach, David York, John Sexton, R.H. Johnston, Ben Harrison, W.W. Reynolds, Delbert York and Joe Johnston.)

The lodge made a note to Mrs. Francis Wilson for $65.00 at 6% interest to finish paying Grand Lodge dues and assessments. The lodge sent to the Jackson County Bank $213.48 by Lucian S. Bond, Treasurer, and drew out $213.25 to send Grand Secretary for Grand Lodge dues and assessments. This left a balance in the bank of 28 cents.
September 24, 1927
Fees for each degree were $10.00 each. The petition fee remained $10.00.
January 24, 1931
A committee was appointed to examine the distance between and find the center line between High Knob Lodge #697 and Pleasant Hill Lodge #535 at McWhorter.

The lodge paid seventy-seven cents for a minutes book and collected $3.25 dues from Brother John J. Davis.
February 28, 1931
The lodge found by measuring the distance between High Knob Lodge #697 and Pleasant Hill Lodge #535 that Roy Young lives 9/10 of a mile nearer to High Knob than Pleasant Hill by road route. This was measured by Charlie Bowling and his son with a car. It was 4 4/10 miles to High Knob and 6 6/10 miles to Pleasant Hill from Roy Young's home.
January 27, 1932
The lodge voted to draw from treasury $46.49 to pay Brother Robert D. Melton for roofing the Masonic Hall.
May 23, 1936
An order was made by the lodge for the treasurer to pay Brother Stephen McQueen $1.00 for making steps and fixing the roof of lodge room. The lodge still owed him a balance of $1.00 on his 1935 Tyler service.
December 26, 1936
The election held this evening was the last election held at High Knob until January 25, 1941. Meetings were held in 1937 during February, April, May, June, July, August and October. Meetings were held in 1938 during March and August. Meetings were held in 1939 during August and October. Meetings were held in 1940 during July, August, October, November and December.
December 27, 1940
An election was not held because a lack of enough members present. The Lodge ordered Secretary, Lucian Bond, to ask the Grand Secretary to allow the lodge to hold an election on January 25, 1941 and to notify all members, urgently, to be there on said election day.

(Note: The lodge received a dispensation from the Grand Master, Charles Keith of Richmond, to hold its annual election January 25, 1941.)
January 25, 1941
The lodge voted to move the Lodge Hall to a plot of land on Pike #21 near Egypt at the Jackson-Clay County line.
February 22, 1941

Brother Emile B. Beatty, Grand Junior Warden, Grand Lodge of Kentucky of Proctor Lodge #213, Beattyville and Brother J.L. Tigue, "Key Man", Manchester Lodge #794, Manchester were present. Brother Beatty installed the newly elected officers. According to the minutes both men gave "very Interesting" talks.

This is the first recorded visit of a Grand Lodge officer at High Knob Lodge #697.
September 27, 1941
The lodge ordered the Secretary to order one Setting maul for the lodge at a cost of $4.50 and 17 cents postage. This left a total in the bank of $110.64.
October 25, 1941
The lodge ordered secretary, Lucian Bond, to notify all members that on November 5, 1941, to "take down the Masonic Hall and to have said hall moved to another site on Pike #21, near the Jackson and Clay County line and High Knob Lodge will hold their next meeting at the Egypt Church house on Pike #21 at Egypt until the Masonic hall is moved and built on new site, then the lodge members will move in and carry on their Masonic work. And also all members that can't work on building might feel like donating a bit on the building to move and set up to completion."
June 27, 1942
Then treasurer paid Pleas C. Wilson $18.80 for lumber April 18, 1942 for Masonic Hall. Then he paid Green Abner $3.50 for carpentry work on Masonic Hall on April 11, 1942, then paid Homer Forman $3.45 for work on the roof May 14, 1942, then paid S.R. Forman $10.62 for work on the hall May 15, 1942, then paid Stephen R. Forman $4.20 on May 28, 1942 for work on the hall. Then he paid the Masonic Home Journal $1.00 for receipt book and 18 cards on June 10, 1942.
August 22, 1942
Robert D. Melton asked for a deed or papers to be drew up so he and his wife Rebecca Melton, could sign over some rights to the Masonic Hall on the second floor to have and to hold so long as the order and High Knob Lodge lives or exists. At this time the lodge owned only the second floor of the lodge hall. The first floor was used as a store.
October 24, 1942
High Knob Lodge #697, F & AM met in their hall at the Clay County/Jackson County line, near Egypt in Clay County. The lodge opened in third degree of masonry in form at 1:30 PM with Brother Joe L. Tigue, Grand Senior Warden, Grand Lodge of Kentucky, filling the Master's station in the East. During this meeting Grant McQueen took his Entered Apprentice degree.
November 28, 1942
The Secretary had the deed made and signed by Mrs. Rebecca Melton and Mr. Robert D. Melton, her husband to the Masonic Hall, then the secretary drew from treasury 50 cents to pay for making the deed, and $2.25 for recording the deed. Then the lodge received $1.50 from Zack Bowman for the Masonic window panes from the old hall.
February 26, 1944
After some planning and the lodge agreed for secretary, Robert Hurley, go to Robinson's mill and get on try to get lumber to run the stairs up to the second floor.
June 24, 1944
Robert Melton agreed to meet Robert Hurley at the hall on Monday June 26 and take care of the lumber to build the stairs for the lodge hall. The secretary drew from the treasury $11.35 to pay for lumber to build stairs to lodge hall. A total of $178.01 was in the treasury.
July 22, 1944
Joe Tigue, the Grand Master of the Grand Lodge of Kentucky visited High Knob Lodge. (This was the first time a Grand Master had ever visited High Knob lodge.)
October 28, 1944
Brother Eliu W. McDaniel, the lodge's only charter member, who was blind, paid his 1944 dues of $3.25 on the eighth day of November.
April 27, 1946
The lodge made an order to pay Mose W. Hignite $45.71 for building material. Then there was an order to hire a carpenter to seal and finish the work up stairs. Then there was an order of the lodge to go and try to buy the first floor of the building. The committee was Mose W. Hignite, T.E. Gabbard and Estill Greer.
December 27, 1946
Marion Melton was elected on the first ballot to serve as Master for 1947. The next evening during the regular stated communication of the lodge the Entered Apprentice and Master Mason degree were conferred. His home was burned that night and Brother Melton was killed. Masonic grave side funeral services were conferred on January 1, 1947.

Willard Hale, Senior Warden, served the remaining portion of Brother Melton's term in 1947.
October 25, 1947
The lodge paid Brother Henry Hale $30.00 for painting the lodge hall and Brother Willard Hale $26.30 for supplies.
February 28, 1948
The lodge voted to pay Charley Forman $40.60 for having the Lodge Hall wired for lights and also paid William T. Shephard $6.50 for Tyler work and Robert L. Hurley $4.65 for stamps and $13.00 for secretary work for 1947.
April 24, 1948
A committee on a new building was formed: Mose Hignite, Henry Hale and Clarence Ferguson. (During the July meeting the committee recommend the lodge build a hall above the church. This recommendation was rejected.)
August 28, 1948
Twenty-Eight members of High Knob along with three visitors were present for the conferral of all three degrees.
August 27, 1949
Lodge voted to buy an electric fan.
October 22, 1949
Zack Bowman, Jr. was paid $51.46 for supper and Dudley Wilson was paid $13.60 for part of supper. Clarence Wilson was paid $18.00 for a fan. The lodge ordered the building committee to sell the hall so the lodge could make preparations to build a new hall. Secretary, Robert Hurley was to ask all neighboring lodges for their consent and to notify Grand Lodge.
November 26, 1949
Willard Hale was appointed and paid $20.00 to take Brother Elihu W. McDaniel to the old Mason's Home.

A committee consisting of Zack Bowman, Sr., Lucian Robinson and Roscoe St. John was appointed to see the owner of the first floor of Masonic Hall and notify him that the lodge would sell the second floor of the building in six months.
January 28, 1950
The lodge ordered Secretary, Robert Hurley to "write a lot of members and see if they would be willing to give a donation on lodge hall". The lodge borrowed $700.00 from Zack Bowman for three months to finish paying for a deed for the land and the first floor of the building.
March 30, 1950
A total of fifty-four masons attended the Masonic funeral services held for Robert D. "Coon" Melton. Melton had served as Master 17 times between 1923 and 1945.
November 30, 1955
A Masonic funeral service was held for Brother Elihu W. McDaniel, who had resided at the Old Mason's Home for the past six years. He was the last charter member of High Knob Lodge #697 and had been a Mason for 60 years.
April 26, 1958
The lodge agreed to lease to James McGee, Walter Baulden and Corburn Middleton the first floor of the lodge hall for a church. They were to straighten up lodge hall and put in two windows in front. The payment agreement was that or by the 5th of May each year they pay High Knob Lodge $100 for four years or until the lodge gave a six months notice or the church gave a six months notice.
July 26, 1958
The Grand Lodge Dues were paid for 1958. They were $318.00 which left a balance in the treasury of $196.52. Dues were now $6.00. Those present agreed to let Gilbert Hale, Master, see Pleas Wilson about what kind of deal could be made on the old Shepherdtown school house if and when the present lodge hall was sold.
March 28, 1959
All present voted that the lodge should move and that the lodge should purchase the former Shepherdtown School. There were some things that the lodge would like to have in the deed.

(The original owner or his heirs must pay for all additions on new buildings that are put on the lodge hall. No building to be built within 100 yards of Lodge Hall. Road was not to interfere with the Lodge Hall. The lodge and the church was to have equal parking space. Even though the ground should revert back to the original owner or his heirs the building would be totally owned by the lodge. Frontage was to run to Highway 421.)

A committee consisting of Henry Hignite, Lucian Robinson and Dudley Wilson was appointed to draw up deed with the school board and Pleas C. Wilson.
April 25, 1959
The subject of renting the lodge's lower room was discussed and the lodge agreed to give the church a six months notice.
July 25, 1959
The lodge agreed that Gilbert Hale and Dudley Wilson should see John Humfleet and try to get him to sell the hall. It was further agreed and approved that they be empowered and authorized to act as trustees for and on behalf of this lodge to sell and transfer titles and to secure deed for property to be purchased.

(The building sold for $1600.00.)
January 23, 1960
The motion was made and seconded that the lodge give Gilbert Hale the contract to complete work on the hall for the sum of $75.00. A motion was made to buy $1000.00 of full coverage insurance for the hall.
January 28, 1961
The lodge ordered that Secretary, Dudley Wilson, should write each member about a change in the Grand Lodge constitution. All dues would be due on or before January 1 each year and that the least amount allowed to be charged was $7.50. The lodge voted to charge this amount. There being no further business the lodge was closed at 2:05 PM.
March 25, 1961
The lodge discussed changing the meeting time to nights. It was requested that Secretary, Dudley Wilson, to find the steps necessary to change the meeting time.
July 25, 1961
The lodge met to pay a last tribute to Robert "Bob" Hurley, who had served as Secretary and Treasurer from 1945 till 1958 and as Master in 1935 and 1936. Visiting brothers Fred Bishop, Raleigh Hornsby and Carl Howard conducted the funeral service. Members from several lodges were present.
September 26, 1964
The lodge agreed to sell the two stoves they owned, for what could be gotten for them, and then use the money for the purpose of buying a new stove that will heat up sooner.
February 27, 1965
Three brothers, Zack Bowman, Shelby Dees and Everette Wilson were appointed as a building committee. They were to select material and check the needs for the building of a flue, removal of excess lumber, paint for building and anything else they deem necessary to repair and beautify the hall. They were to report at the meeting in March at which time the lodge was to set a date to meet and work.
April 25, 1968
If it was agreeable with the candidate (Lucian Robinson, Jr.) the lodge planned to have the Master Mason degree put on by the Manchester Degree team at Manchester. High Knob was to share all expenses with Caution Lodge if they have a candidate.
July 25, 1970
Shelby Dees, Charlie McWhorter and Dudley Wilson were appointed as a committee to buy a stove, curtains, refrigerator and heaters for the lodge hall.

The lodge voted to buy four chairs.
April 24, 1971
A motion was made and approved to buy the necessary fixtures to install a gas stove.
March 24, 1973
John Boston Sandlin and Shelby Dees were appointed to investigate the financial condition and possible admission to the old Masons Home of Brother Earl McGeorge.
April 28, 1973
The secretary was ordered to notify all members that are due their twenty-five year pin to appear on the 4th Saturday in May for presentation. The lodge planned a fish fry on this date and a committee composed of Landon Adams, Charlie McWhorter and Dudley Wilson was to prepare the meal to begin at 1 PM.
May 26, 1973
A motion was made and seconded that the lodge take an offering for the St. Johns Day League Picnic and this offering was to be presented on behalf of the lodge. The amount collected was $18.15.

Twenty-five year pins were presented to Shelby Dees, Henry Eleton, Lawarence Eleton, Haskell Greer, Gilbert Hale, Henry Hignite, Lucian Robinson, James McWhorter and Dudley Wilson.

The petition fee was raised to $15.00
June 22, 1974
The lodge voted to pay the bills for construction of the front steps. The lodge agreed to write a letter of appreciation for the work done on the lodge by the Clay County Concentrated Employment Program.

The lodge voted to increase dues to $15.00 per year and the fee for the three degrees to $50.00.
October 26, 1974
The lodge voted to buy each brethren who passes away at least A $20.00 wreath of flowers.

The Master gave a report on his trip to the Grand Lodge. He reported the Old Mason's home was pretty well full but there was only twenty to thirty children in the Orphan's Home.
February 22, 1975
The lodge voted to order a new set of square and compass (silver in color) to be paid for by Brothers Landon Adams and Haskell Greer in exchange for the old square and compass.

The lodge voted to retire the old Bible, write the names of all members in the Bible and place it in a book shelf that the lodge was to receive or buy.
April 26, 1975
Visiting Brother Tony Boggs conferred the second section of the Fellowcraft degree on candidate Jerry Wayne McWhorter.
August 23, 1975
The lodge voted to hold stated meetings on the fourth Friday of each month at 7 PM.
September 20, 1975
The lodge met for the funeral services of Mose Hignite who had been a member for 55 years. Mose was also a former sheriff of Clay County.
November 28, 1975
The lodge voted to buy carpet for the floor from Brother Landon Adams's wife and to paint over the windows rather than to buy curtains.

(The following meeting the lodge voted to buy a security light.)
March 26, 1976
Arthur McWhorter received his 25 year pin.

Douglas Allen, District Deputy Grand Master from Oneida Lodge #736 brought a message from Grand Master H.B. Noble. He spoke of peace and harmony in the lodge, the Demolay for boys and the Rainbow for girls, the St. John's Day League and the serious nature of the ballot.
September 18, 1976
Lodge voted to have a fish fry and invite the families. The committee was Landon Adams, Wayne Thompson, Jerry McWhorter and Dudley Wilson.
September 30, 1976
The lodge met for the funeral of Sam Robinson at the Robinson Cemetery. Sam was Master in 1965.
March 25, 1977
The lodge voted to write the Masonic Home Journal about the brothers who were not receiving their Journal.
The lodge requested Grand Lodge proficiency certificates for Wayne Thompson, Dudley Wilson and Jerry McWhorter.
April 22, 1977
Bruce Barker, District Deputy Grand Master, from New Hope #564 made his official visit. He announce the Grand Lodge would send a printout of all Lodge members in June.
September 23, 1977
The lodge voted to allow Shelby Abner's grandson to use the well house for storage.
October 28, 1977
The lodge requested Grand Lodge proficiency cards and certificates for Willard Hale, Haskell Greer, Henry Hignite, Gilbert Hale, J.B. Sandlin, Berlon Robinson, Landon Adams, Harvey Buttery, Charlie McWhorter, Jerry Holcomb and Edwin McGeorge.

Glenn Woods, District Deputy Grand Master from Caution #798 made his official visit and gave a report from Grand Master, Jack Hodges.
February 2, 1978
Landis Cornett presented the lodge a "beautiful" flag which was donated by the Woodmen of the World Insurance company.
August 30, 1978
The lodge traveled to the home of Landon Adams to confer his funeral services. Landon was Master in 1976. Brothers from several lodges were present for this service.
November 24, 1978
The lodge voted to charge $15.00 for the petition fee, $10.00 for Entered Apprentice Degree, $20.00 for the Fellowcraft degree and $20.00 for the Master Mason degree and this would include dues for the first year.
March 23, 1979
The lodge met at Burning Springs Elementary for the purpose of conferring the Master Mason Degree on candidate Russell Jackson. The degree team from Manchester #794 portrayed the "Legend of the Temple".
August 24, 1979
Dues were raised to $20.00. The lodge then closed and traveled to McKee to watch degree work.
January 25, 1980
The lodge voted to buy a coffee pot.
August 16, 1980
The lodge met for the purpose of conferring the funeral service of Brother William T. "Buck" Shepherd who was Tyler 23 times between 1946 and 1974.
January 3, 1981
The lodge traveled to Laurel Creek Elementary School were they joined with Robert Clark #646 and Caution #798 for fellowship, a meal and the conferral of the Master Mason Degree on brothers: Aaron Melton, Ronnie Thompson and Mike Combs of Robert Clark and Caution and LeRoy Hopper of High Knob. Work was conferred by the Caution Lodge degree team.
July 24, 1981
Lodge voted to raise the petition fee and dues to $100.00, $25.00 due with petition and $25.00 for each degree.

Lodge traveled to Caution Lodge were the Caution degree team conferred the Master Mason degree on Ronnie Robinson, Cecil Smith, Earl Rice and Darrell Collett.
January 22, 1982
The lodge voted to have a pot luck meal at each monthly communication.
February 26, 1982
Jim Wilson, Junior Warden, conferred the second section of the Fellowcraft degree (Winding Stairs Lecture) on candidate Kenneth Bray. Thirty visitors, including District Deputy Grand Master William Pollard were present. $60.00 was taken for the building fund.
April 23, 1982
The lodge voted to begin collecting pictures of all Past Masters and to buy frames and hang these pictures in the lodge.
May 8, 1982
Some of the officers of High Knob traveled to Hyden Lodge #664 to confer the Fellowcraft degree on candidate Rufus Baker. Jim Wilson conferred the second section commonly known as the "Winding Stair" lecture.
July 23, 1982
The lodge voted to buy each new member a Kentucky Monitor.

Roy Burns received his twenty-five year pin.
September 24, 1982
The lodge voted to build a sixteen foot by twenty-four foot kitchen. Clay County Building Supply was to furnish material to get the kitchen under roof at no charge.
December 24, 1982
The lodge voted to meet at 8 AM on Saturday to build the kitchen. The lodge voted to pay dues only for 50 year members.
February 25, 1983
The lodge voted to met on March 9 at 9 A.M. to move the dirt from behind the building. The clean up crew was Darrell Collett and Harold Collett.
August 23, 1983
The deed to the lodge was found and read in open lodge. The lodge voted to buy siding for the building.

The clean up committee was Melvin Collett and Albert Faulkner
January 24, 1984
The lodge voted to only confer one degree during any one meeting. This would allow each degree to be conferred to its fullest in order to make a more favorable impression on the candidate.
April 19, 1984
The lodge met at Rominger Funeral Home for the funeral service of Haskell Greer. Haskell was Master in 1972. The service was conferred by visiting Brothers Buster Hornsby, Carl Howard and Bobby Whitis.
April 28, 1984
The lodge met at 5 AM for a breakfast and the conferral of the third section of the Entered Apprentice Degree. A total of thirty-one masons from five lodges enjoyed ham, sausage, tenderloin, eggs, and homemade biscuits and gravy. A slide lecture was presented by Jim Wilson, Master.
May 10, 1984
The lodge voted to take an offering at the next meeting to buy a new gas heater.
July 27, 1984
The lodge voted to advertise the upcoming open house in the Manchester Enterprise and the Jackson County Sun. The lodge had $812.00 in the treasury. A Resolution of Respect was sent to the Earl McGeorge family, both newspapers and the Masonic Home Journal.
August 18, 1984
The lodge held an open house from 6 PM till 8 PM. A potluck meal was served and a short discussion of Masonry was enjoyed by family, friends and Masons alike.
September 17, 1984
Jim Wilson, Master, conferred the funeral of Troy Evans at the Lakes Funeral Home in McKee. Assisting in the service were Jake Sandlin, Senior Warden; Darrell Collett, Junior Warden; Jerry McWhorter, Secretary; and Dudley Wilson, Chaplain.
November 23, 1984
The lodge met at Burning Springs Elementary School for the purpose of conferring the Master Mason Degree. Eighty-seven Masons from nineteen lodges were present.
For the first time in the history of the lodge a member of High Knob was presented as District Deputy Grand Master, as Brother Dudley received the public grand honors of three times three.

Several Grand Lodge officers and committee members were present including Grand Master, Harold Downard; Stanley Bains, Committee on Transportation; Richard Key, Committee on Arrangement; Elroy Johnson, Grand Senior Warden; Joe Conway, Deputy Grand Master; and Lawrence Ballard, District Deputy Grand Master of District 34. Jim Westerfied was raised by the officers from Caution #798, Jim Mathis, Wilburn Metcalf and David Harmon were raised by the Grand Lodge officers and Pearl Bray was raised by the officers of High Knob. The District 35 Degree team raised Frank Cunnighan. The candidates received their dues card from Grand Master, Harold Downard; their Kentucky Monitor from Jim Wilson, Master; and their aprons from Dudley Wilson, District Deputy Grand Master.
November 24, 1984
The lodge held a 5 AM country ham breakfast for the purpose of conferring the third section of the Master Mason degree. This slide lecture was presented by Jim Wilson, Master. Twenty-eight brothers from eight lodges were present.
December 28, 1984
The lodge voted to update by-laws. The major change was to set lodge dues at double Grand Lodge dues.
April 20, 1985
For the first time in the history of High Knob Lodge #697 the lodge hosted a District Meeting. This meeting was held at Burning Springs Elementary School and was under the direction of District Deputy Grand Master, Dudley Wilson. At this time a "traveling gavel" was instituted. High Knob was the first recipient of the gavel. This gavel would go to the lodge having the most visitors present and would be presented again at the next meeting of the lodge receiving the gavel.

Jim Wilson, Junior Past Master, was chosen as the District thirty-five "Mason of the Year".
June 28, 1985
The lodge voted to tear down the lodge hall and build a new building. The lodge had $2063.32 in the treasury.
June 29, 1985
An outdoor Master Mason degree conferral was held at Possum Trot. Hershell Hacker and Freddie McWhorter were raised to the Master Mason degree.
July 26, 1985
The lodge voted to build a new building which would be twenty-four by forty-eight feet and would be in the same location as the present building.
August 23, 1985
The lodge met at Caution Lodge #798 while the new building was being built.
September 27, 1985
The first meeting was held in the new lodge hall. David Martin was raised to the degree of a Master Mason under the direction of Jim Wilson, Past Master.
November 25, 1985
The lodge voted to borrow $8000.00 to pay for the new building.
December 3, 1985
The lodge held their third annual "Early Bird" breakfast. The cooks met at 4 A.M. and the lodge was opened at 5 A.M. for a slide lecture on the Master Mason degree by Jim Wilson, District Deputy Grand Master.
January 24, 1986
The lodge voted to have Pleas Bowling brick the building.
February 28, 1986
The lodge discussed the Auction and Soup Bean Supper scheduled for April 5. The lodge had $1543.11 in the treasury.

The lodge voted to purchase insurance at the cost of $291.00.
May 24, 1986
The lodge voted to pay the interest on the note.
May 31, 1986
The lodge met at the farm of LeRoy Hopper on the Gum Branch/ Fallen Timbers Road for the purpose of conferring the Master Mason Degree. A degree team from Bell Lodge #691 conferred the "Legend of the Temple" on candidate Ed Rawlings.
June 21, 1986
Once again the lodge met at Burning Springs Elementary School to host the District 35 annual meeting. The meeting was under the direction of Jim Wilson, District Deputy Grand Master, and Joe Conway, Grand Master of the state of Kentucky.

Kenny Gross of Robert Clark #646 was elected as the District thirty-five "Mason of the Year".
July 26, 1986
The lodge voted to have the outside of the building finished before the dedication in August. Jim Mathis and LeRoy Hopper were to get the cement from Clay Building Supply.
August 10, 1986
High Knob Lodge had a special meeting to dedicate the new lodge hall. The dedication service was under the direction of Grand Master, Joe Conway and several other Grand Lodge officers: Arnold Wyatt, Grand Tyler; Noble McDougal, Grand Senior Deacon; Elroy Johnson, Deputy Grand Master; James Patrick, Past Grand Master; Bosh Petry, Grand Junior Warden; James Gentry, Grand Junior Deacon; George Bibb, Assistant Grand Tyler; Johnny Sutherland, Grand Marshal; Tom Lairamore, Grand Treasurer; and Jim Wilson, District Deputy Grand Master.
September 9, 1986
The lodge voted to have a squirrel and dumpling supper at Burning Springs Elementary on November 8. The cost was $3.00 per person, $5.00 per couple and $7.00 per family.
January 23, 1987
Robert Clark #646 had three officers and two other members present to claim the "Traveling Gavel".
March 27, 1987
George Gambrell, District Deputy Grand Master, made his official visit.

The lodge voted to take up a collection at each meeting for the building fund.
June 16, 1987
Several Grand Lodge officers joined with several members and visitors at Rominger Funeral Home in Manchester as High Knob Lodge paid a last tribute to Brother Dudley Wilson. The officers of Caution Lodge conducted the funeral service. Dudley served as Master five times, Secretary nineteen times and as Treasurer sixteen times. He was District Deputy Grand Master in 1984-1985.
September 25, 1987
The lodge voted to put a concert floor in the kitchen.

The lodge conferred the Master Mason degree on candidate George Lewis with District Deputy Grand Master, George Gambrell in the East.
November 27, 1987
Lodge voted to move regular meeting from fourth Friday night to fourth Thursday night.
January 22, 1988
Charlie McWhorter was named "Mason of the Year" at High Knob for 1987. He received a plaque for his service beyond the call of duty.

Ted Bowling, District Deputy Grand Master of Hyden #664 made his official visit.

The lodge voted to have a Chili Supper on February 27 from 3 P.M. till 7 P.M. at Burning Springs Elementary School.
April 28, 1988
Roy Burns and Levi Burns receive their 40 year pins.
May 26, 1988
The lodge voted to meet June 3 at the lodge to pour the kitchen floor.
July 2, 1988
Lodge was opened at 4:20 AM for the purpose of conferring the Fellowcraft Degree on Nolan "Bill" White and to have a country ham breakfast.
August 25, 1988
The lodge voted to have a pig roast at Burning Springs Elementary on October 15 from 3 P.M. till 7 P.M. at the cost of $4.00 per adult and $2.00 per child.

(Henry Hignite passed away August 18. He served as Master in 1971 and 1966.

(James Strong passed away September 10. James was Master in 1980 and 1981.)
January 26, 1989
Virgil Herald, District Deputy Grand Master, from New Hope #564 made his official visit.

The lodge had $247.37 in the treasury.
September 28, 1989
The lodge voted that rather than having a fund raiser that five members donate $100.00 each at our October meeting.
February 23, 1990
The lodge voted to change the regular meeting night to the first Friday of each month. The lodge had $595.17 in the treasury.

Kenny Gross, District Deputy Grand Master from Robert Clark #646 made his official visit.
May 27, 1990
The lodge voted to send a thank you note to Oneida Lodge #736 for the tremendous help they had been to High Knob.
June 30, 1990
The lodge held a Chili Supper at Burning Springs Elementary.
July 6, 1990
The lodge had a loan at the bank for $3600.00 at 10.5% interest due July 1, 1991.

Charlie McWhorter became a life member of High Knob.

The lodge voted to send each member a picture of the lodge and ask for a donation to retire the debt.
August 7, 1990
The lodge had an Open House at the lodge. Everyone enjoyed a hot dog supper provided by Jeanette Wilson.
September 7, 1990
After paying the Grand Lodge dues of $663.50 the lodge had a total of $47.08 in the treasury.
October 16, 1990
Jim Wilson is appointed Assistant Grand Tyler by Arnold Wyatt, Grand Master of the Grand Lodge of Kentucky. This was the first time a member of High Knob Lodge had been a Grand Lodge Officer.

(Wyatt also instituted a "Traveling Gavel" in each of the forty Masonic Districts in Kentucky. This is the same program that Dudley Wilson started in District 35 in 1985.)
February 2, 1991
The lodge voted on a change to the by-laws to have the Master appoint the offices of Senior Deacon, Junior Deacon, Senior Steward, Junior Steward, Tyler and Chaplain.
March 1, 1991
The refreshment committee reports that the lodge would have a fine meal and would have a rabbit supper the next month.

Michael Caudill, District Deputy Grand Master of Booneville Lodge #939 made his official visit.

The lodge voted to ask Robert Clark #646 to confer the "Legend of the Temple" at the June meeting.
April 5, 1991
The lodge has asked to check at different places to see if they could offer a more favorable insurance rate.
June 7, 1991
Twenty-five year pins were presented to Everett Wilson, Robert Baker and Charlie McWhorter and a Forty year pin was presented to Edwin McGeorge.
September 6, 1991
The lodge voted to put three windows in to get more air flow in the building. A get well card was sent to Mel Collett.

A group of four brothers from Oneida #736 were recognized and presented the "Traveling Gavel".
October 4, 1991
Freddie McWhorter was elected to represent High Knob at the Grand Lodge in October.
November 1, 1991
A report was given from Grand Lodge concerning a dues increase. The Grand Lodge dues are now $14.00 therefore the High Knob dues will be $28.00 as of January 1, 1992.
January 3, 1992
The degree team from Robert Clark #646 conferred the Master Mason degree on candidate Rick Richmond as brothers from eight lodges and three states enjoyed a fine potluck meal.

David Watson, District Deputy Grand Master made his official visit.

The lodge voted to pay the tax bill and for the remaining lodge funds to be paid on the debt.
August 21, 1992
The lodge traveled to Pleasant Point Baptist Church for the funeral services for Melvin Collet. Brother Mel was Tyler five times between 1982 and 1992 and was serving as Tyler at his death. Jim Wilson conferred the funeral service.
September 4, 1992
LeRoy Hopper was appointed to serve as Tyler due to the death of Melvin Collett.
November 6, 1992
During a report from Grand Lodge it was announced the Grand Lodge dues had increased three dollars to $17.00, therefore the High Knob dues will be $34.00 on January 1, 1993.

The lodge voted to hold the election of officers during the regular communication in December.
January 1, 1993
The "Traveling Gavel" was presented to Robert Clark #646.
February 5, 1993

Stanley Couch, District Deputy Grand Master from Redbird #838 made his office visit.

A Resolution of Respect was prepared for Ance Wilson, Jr.
March 5, 1993
The lodge voted to pay $500.00 on the note. The lodge voted to send a second notice to all members behind in dues.
July 2, 1993
A Resolution of Respect was prepared for Willard Hale, who served as Master nine times between 1948 and 1970.
August 6, 1993
Membership now stands at forty-one. Grand lodge dues will be $678.00 and are due September 1, 1993.

A twenty-five year pin was presented to Parkie Russell and Lucian Robinson, Jr.
November 5, 1993
The lodge voted to pay Charlie McWhorter $350.00 he had loaned to pay Grand Lodge dues and to pay $350.00 on the debt.
February 4, 1994
The note on the building had been paid in full.

Roy Allen, District Deputy Grand Master of Oneida #737 made his official visit.

The lodge voted to allow Pleasant Point Baptist Church to use the lodge hall during the remodeling of their building.
September 2, 1994
The lodge voted to have a breakfast October 8 on Gum Branch at the Charlie McWhorter cabin. Cooking was to begin at6 P.M. with eating to begin at 7 P.M.
October 7, 1994
Arnold Wyatt, Past Grand Master of the Grand Lodge of Kentucky and Ronnie G. Bell, Grand Tyler visited High Knob Lodge.
October 18, 1994
Jim Wilson is appointed to serve on the Committee on Governmental Affairs by Grand Master, George Bibb. This was the first time a High Knob member had be appointed to a Grand Lodge committee.
February 3, 1995
Woody Conover, District Deputy Grand Master from Robert Clark #646 made his official visit.

The 1995 officers were installed due to the meeting in January being snowed out.
March 3, 1995
Acting Master Herman Rice conferred the Fellowcraft degree on candidate Simmie Morris. Jim Wilson presented the "Winding Stair" lecture.
April 7, 1995
David Hibbitts, Grand Sword Bearer, Grand Lodge of Kentucky was present at the lodge conferred the Master Mason degree on Simmie Morris.
October 7, 1995
The lodge met at 5 A.M. for the annual "Early Bird" breakfast.
February 16, 1996
The newly formed degree team at High Knob traveled to Berea #617 to confer the Master Mason degree. For the first time the team used the new costumes that were donated to the lodge by brother Jim Cornett.
March 1, 1996
The High Knob degree team conferred the Master Mason degree on candidates Billy Abner and James Creech. Eddie Harris was the acting Master. James Harding, Past Master of J. Speed Smith #298 conferred the "Lecture of the Skull". The fellowcrafts were portrayed by Jim Wilson, Jim Allen, Jim Cornett and Eddie Harris of High Knob #697 and Delmer Edwards of Robert Clark #646 and Nick Mathis of Oneida #736. The Senior Deacon was Jerry McWhorter and King Solomon was portrayed by Simmie Morris.

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