We wish to thank Bro. A. W. Wood for allowing MSA to
extract this Short Talk Bulletin from a much larger paper (of
the same title) delivered to United Master's Lodge #l67 in July
1990. This is a Lodge of Masonic Research in Auckland New
Zealand. Bro. Wood is a past master and now secretary of
the Lodge.
The relationship between constituent Lodges and their Grand
Lodge is extremely important. We hope this STB will help to
clarify that relationship.
The Relationship Between
Lodges and Grand Lodge
by Bro. A.W. Wood,
C. Lec., P.M., Secretary
The first Grand Lodge was formed in London,
shortly after the suppression of the Jacobite rising
in 1715. Anderson's New Book of Constitutions of
1738 records that a few lodges at London finding
themselves neglected by Sir Christopher Wren,
thought fit to cement together under a Grand
Master as the Center of Union and Harmony, viz.
(here follow details of the four lodges at the Goose
and Gridiron, Crown, Apple-Tree, and Rummer and
They and some old Brothers met at the said AppleTree, and having put into the Chair the oldest
Master Mason (now the Master of a Lodge) they
constituted themselves a GRAND LODGE pro
Tempore in Due Form, and forthwith revived the
Quarterly Communication of the Officers of
Lodges (call'd the Grand Lodge) "resolv'd to hold
the Annual ASSEMBLY and Feast, and then to
chuse a GRAND MASTER from among
themselves, till they should have the Honour of a
Noble Brother at their Head."
The first meeting was held at the Goose and
Gridiron Ale-house on 24 June, 1717, and Antony
Sayer was elected and installed as Grand Master,
before the brethren proceeded to dinner. The Grand
Master commanded that the Masters and Wardens
of lodges meet the Grand Officers every quarter in
Communication. In fact the Grand Lodge only met
annually for the feast for several years. Nevertheless,
each meeting was called a Quarterly Communication, at whatever interval it met, and the Grand
Lodge of England still maintains a quarterly
Communication .
The brethren who established the Grand Lodge
claimed, or perhaps it would be more accurate to
say that Anderson reported that they claimed, to
be reviving the Grand Lodge. In his somewhat
imaginative history of the Craft, Anderson mentions several assemblies of masons, but there is no
real evidence that there had ever before been such
a thing as a Grand Lodge. Probably they had in
mind the annual gatherings of the great London
Companies, and wanted to establish something
similar for themselves.
These box societies, masonic or otherwise, usually
admitted new members with some form of
ceremony, and had secret means of recognition.
They met for social occasions, and carried out at
least some form of charitable work for their own
members. Most of them, like the guilds before them,
were purely local in character.
Masons from very early times had been
accustomed to travel in search of work, and to expect assistance from lodges wherever they found
one. Dr. Robert Plot in The Natural History of
Stafford-shire written in 1686 mentions the peculiar
customs of the Masons, the fact that they had admission ceremonies and secret means of recognition, and the right to claim assistance from brethren
anywhere in the country.
Whether the founding lodges revived or formed
Grand Lodge, there can be no doubt that they did
not intend to establish an authoritarian body that
would undertake the government of the Craft. Had
such a thought occurred to them, most of them
would almost certainly have voted against the
proposal .
However the four founding lodges may have viewed the matter, it was inevitable that when such a
body existed, it should come to be regarded as the
head of the Craft. At first its jurisdiction was
limited to the cities of London and Westminster, a
comparatively small area, but gradually it began to
receive requests for recognition from further afield.
Probably the first sign of this authority was in the
formation of new lodges.
Modern Crand Lodges
What is the purpose of a Grand Lodge today? First
and foremost it is an organization that can
guarantee the regularity of the lodges under its
control. Without the authority of the Grand Lodge,
no mason traveling in another Grand Jurisdition
could hope to be received into lodges in the course
of his travels. A primary function is diplomatic
recognition. The necessary consequence of this
function is that the Grand Lodge must ensure that
all of its lodges are regularly formed and managed,
and that they continue to adhere to the Ancient
Landmarks .
Few Grand Lodges have attempted to define these
Landmarks. Masons would probably differ in any
list they might produce, but I doubt if many would
have difficulty in recognising things which clearly
transgress those Landmarks. In case of doubt,
Grand Lodge must decide whether a particular
custom does or does not conform to the Landmarks, and by so doing it prevents any small group
from taking over a lodge, and ensures that its
Lodges remain regular, and therefore acceptable to
other Grand Lodges.
Another major function is in organising and
managing the charitable side of the Craft. Charity
has been a feature of Freemasonry from the very
beginning of its organised existence. What is now
the Fund of Benevolence in England was started
under the name of the General Charity in 1727, and
by 1731 all the lodges which had accepted the
government of the new Grand Lodge were already
paying into a central fund for the relief of poor
masons and their families. Masonic Homes,
scholarship funds, hospitals, drug and alcohol
abuse programs, childhood illness clinics are all
examples of charities handled at the Grand Lodge
level through Grand Lodge. In short, Grand Lodge
administers the various charities which masons subcribe to, which are not controlled by independent
Regular organised meetings of Grand Lodge are a
feature of Masonry under all jurisdictions, and have
been from earliest times. Many masons are critical
of the Annual Communication as a waste of time
and money. I believe that such meetings, not only
for the transaction of masonic business, but also
for the exchange of views and for social purposes
are valuable, and help to strengthen the fraternal
The power to constitute a new lodge belongs to
Grand Lodge, the function of consecrating it is
vested in the Grand Master.
Grand Lodge's legislative function is to pass laws
for the good government of the Craft, and in its
executive capacity, to administer them. It also has
power to determine in its judicial capacity disputes
over masonic matters, and to discipline members
who transgress the rules. This is no different from
the powers of any other club or society. In carrying out those functions, Grand Lodge appoints
Executive Boards, appoints and employs officers,
maintains records, and of necessity levies fees to pay
for its work.
In the interests of reasonable uniformity, it lays
down rules as to regalia, and ritual, the way in
which its lodges are governed, the term of office
of the Master, and the records the lodge must keep.
All Grand Lodges have rules covering most of those
points. Some rules are matters of masonic tradition,
some are inserted, for example, because they provide a simple rule book for the guidance of
secretaries and treasurers, most of whom are not
professional record keepers.
Purpose of Craft Lodges:
The original purposes of lodges of non operative
masons were to offer support and encouragement
in time of difficulty, to provide a vehicle for charity,
and to dispense financial help where needed, to
encourage good principles, and to meet the need of
all men for congenial society. I do not think the purposes are any different today.
There are many reasons why different men join,
or remain in lodge, but I think that there are several
which all of us will recognise.
For most, the ritual is a continual source of joy.
It is generally good, and sometimes superb prose,
something that today we are starved for. The
Church no longer supplies it, radio sometimes, and
television and modern literature almost never. Yet
the appeal of good writing is revealed at any
meeting in the breathless hush when one of the great
charges is well delivered, or the injunction to charity,
or the address to the Master at the Installation. (as
Where, today, does the average man receive any
instruction in ethics and good conduct? From the
Church, if he attends, probably, from radio
sometimes, but from television and modern
literature, with their emphasis on evil, degradation,
lust and violence, almost never. Contrary to what
we are led to believe in the press, television, and
literature, the majority of people prefer good to evil,
seek to do the best they can, enjoy the beauty of
the world, weep when they must, and laugh when
they can. Yet virtue does not spring full armed in
the soul of man. It is learned, as the prophet tells
us, precept upon precept, line upon line, here a little and there a little, and in that way Masonry leaves
its imprint on the souls of the men who listen to,
and try to observe its precepts.
Another need for most is the opportunity to do
something for others. I believe that lodges should
be putting more emphasis than they do on the
charitable work of the Craft.
We have not kept pace with the times, and much
of the apathy that exists in lodges is quite simply
because we have drifted, and have not presented
worthwhile challenges to our brethren.
Like the societies from which we sprang, we should
be careful to offer comfort and support to our
brethren and their families in time of trouble and
affliction. This is not the duty of the Almoner, in
exoneration of the rest of us, but a duty imposed
by our membership in the Craft. Each of us should
make sure that we are aware of the troubles of our
fellows, and ever ready to pour the healing balm
of consolation into the bosom of the afflicted, and
to drop a tear of sympathy over the failings of a
At a different level, masonry is a means of self
improvement. Most of us are not orators, and all
will remember the trepidation when first we raised
our voices at instruction. To learn to speak so that
we are heard, to think on our feet, and not be
paralysed by nerves when called upon to say a few
words is surely a worthwhile use of time.
Finally, all men need relaxation and social life.
Why did masonry prosper in the fifties and sixties?
Surely because men enjoyed their masonry, and
spoke enthusiastically about it so that others wanted
to join. Let us bring the fun back into masonry. Let
us enjoy the present time, without looking over our
shoulders at a vanished past, or dreading a future
which may never come. If we learn to make our
gatherings pleasant and enjoyable social occasions, which we remember and talk about with
pleasure, it is just possible that the world will once
more seek to join us, because it is good and plea-
sant for brethren to dwell together in unity.
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