Music by Brother J.L.F. Mendelssohn.
(Candidate Investigation)
The various Codes, Constitutions, Rules,
Regulations and By-Laws of Masonic Grand
Lodges usually speak in general terms regarding
the duties, appointment and reporting of Investigating Committees. All too frequently, Brethren assigned to these Committees treat the matter lightly or with a routine attitude.
A number of Grand Masters in reporting
upon the "state of the Craft" in their Jurisdictions have expressed doubts and concerns regarding the effectiveness of some Investigating
More than forty-five years ago, Brother
Lewis L. Martinson of Shawmut Lodge, Boston, Massachusetts, in a report to his lodge,
gave more detailed instructions. We are pleased
to share them with you: The object of this
paper is to remind the members of this lodge
that the investigators' moral liability is great
and superficial investigation conducive to evil.
By the exercise of common sense, fearlessness,
and above all, thoroughness, no man need pass
our portals to cause us subsequent regret.
Members should ever be on the alert, and at
all times co-operate with the officers and members of the investigating committees. The difficulties that surround a metropolitan lodge in
the selection of the candidates are numerous.
Do not add to them by carelessly proposing
men whose fitness can be questioned. In conducting these investigations you should be as
rigid as you would were the applicant seeking
admission to your home, instead of to your
lodge. Masonry is no reformatory, neither can
we build stately and superb structures out of
tissue paper and on quick-sand foundations.
The applicant is a petitioner; he is asking
something of Masonry. Masonry, therefore,
has an absolute right to know all about him
before it shall extend to him its privileges. Do
not be timid; do not fear to tread upon his
corns; but get the intormation and thus discharge honorably, as a Mason, the duty which
you have assumed through which your Lodge
will be enabled to extend the glad hand of fellowship to clean, upright men and avoid marring the beauty of the Temple with soiled,
morally leprous material. Remember also, that
when once admitted within our tiled recesses
you cannot avoid this applicant and draw your
cloak about you. You must be as ready and
willing to treat him as a Brother, as you are the
brother related to you by blood ties, residing
beneath your home roof.
For this reason it is within your province to
ask information which might otherwise be considered very personal, to propound questions
which in any other connection would be termed
impertinent .
Of the applicant you should also ascertain:
How long has he been acquainted personally
with his proposer? How long has he resided
within the Jurisdiction of this Lodge? Why
does he desire to become a Freemason? What is
his conception of the Masonic institution?
What does he think it is, and why, in his opinion do Masons congregate and what do they
endeavor to accomplish by their associations
one with the other?
Does he understand that Masonry is not a
financial institution and that no financial returns are to be expected by either the applicant
or his family?
Is he of a charitable disposition? Does he
contribute financially to charitable causes as far
as his ability permits? Is he charitable in thought
and action toward his fellowmen or is he bigoted
and prejudiced, considering all men in error
who do not view life through his particular line
of vision?
What is his financial standing? Is he prompt
in meeting his bills; is he considered an A-l man
to have business dealings with? Does he understand that there are certain yearly dues required
from each member, and will he promptly meet
them and any other obligations of a similar
Do his appearance and surroundings indicate
that he can financially afford the degrees of
Masonry? No man should deprive himself or
his family of necessities that he may enjoy the
degrees of Masonry. We desire to add to our
working force; do not handicap us with an added burden.
What provisions has he made for his family
and himself in event of disability or death?
Does his family concur in his desire to become a
Freemason? Do you consider him a man who
will attend with reasonable regularity upon the
communications of the Lodge, and a man who
will endeavor to educate and better himself by a
more extensive study of Masonry than that contained in the lectures of The Three Degrees?
Does he impress you as being one who will
LIVE Masonry, who will endeavor to bring into
actual practice the tenets of our profession?
Is he a citizen of the United States? Is his
desire to become a Freemason based on the fact
that some of his relatives have been, or are,
Does he consider Masonry merely as a social
organization and does he wish to become connected with it merely that he may have the
social fellowship connected with it, or has he a
sincere desire to become a Mason that he may
help himself and help others?
Does the applicant sincerely reverence the
Supreme Being and accord Him the glory of the
Divine Truths?
This line of questioning, my Brethren, is
merely suggestive and is very general. Circumstances alter cases and while each question
might be appropriate on many occasions, they
might likewise be unwise in other instances.
They are suggested merely to impress upon you
the necessity of thoroughness in your work. No
set of questions can be compiled which can be
followed literally in every case. The nature of
the case will suggest to you what information
you must require, but be certain that you secure
enough that you may speak with certainty and
emphasis upon the case. Let not the finger of
shame or ridicule be pointed against our noble
institution because you have been slack in your
work. You will probably not be called upon to
perform this service more than once in a
Masonic year; surely it is not asking too much
in that one case each year you expend some real
energy and thought and give liberally of your
time, not only for the protection of Masonry,
and yourself, but also for the preparing and
protection of the applicant.
The applicant can doubtless refer you to
men of standing who can furnish reliable information regarding him. Those references need
not necessarily be Masons; in fact, it is well to
consult with men who are not Masons, for
often they are more open in their expression of
opinions. Do not be content with a list of names
furnished by the applicant, but by your own efforts find others who know the applicant. It is
not reasonable to suppose that the applicant
will not refer you to any but those whom he
believes will give him a "good send-off." You
may find his next door neighbor, his grocer, or
the man who works alongside of him, a much
better source of information. It is well, however, not to indicate to profanes the reason for
your inquiries as there may be those among
them who are not favorable to our institution
and harm might be worked the applicant were it
known to these people that he entertained
Masonic ambitions.
You are given one month for your investigation. If more is required, the Master will gladly
grant it, provided, of course, you ask for it.
You should not procrastinate, thereby seriously interfering with the work of the Lodge.
When doubts remain as in the applicant's fitness, after strict examination has been held,
remember, Brethren, the Lodge always should
derive the benefit of them.
In conclusion, Brethren, let me remind you
most emphatically that Masonry is great and
good just to the degree that its individual members are. We are a strong body, we need not of
necessity accept any and all kinds of material,
we have the privilege of choosing and selecting.
By the admission of unsuitable material you
mar a beautiful edifice which you have promised to keep clean. We do not expect perfect
men by any means, but we do insist on men
who have already laid a foundation upon which
we may build, men who are not decayed by the
wrong living of years, men who have character
and intellect sufficient to grasp the richness of
the moral banquet which Masonry spreads
before them.
Let us have clean men. We do not want the
libertine, the man of loose habits or unclean
tongue .
The man who deals lightly with virtues and
whose eyes do not turn with reverence to God
cannot be made a perfect ashlar. Symbols,
lessons and obligations to him are as water on a
duck's back. Masonry cannot reform him and
he will be a blight to Masonry.
Investigate east and west, north and south,
at home and abroad, from friend and foe, by
day and night--but investigate.
Look well to our portals; let no unworthy
foot cross the threshold.
Short Talk Bulletin. 12-24
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