This Short Talk Bulletin was prepared by the
headquarters staff of M.S.A., using information
from a variety of Masonic publications and
discussions with many Masonic leaders.
In "meeting upon the level," we frequently
lose sight of the fact that the Brother sitting
next to us has a vocation, avocations, and
special talents. We think of him only as a
Mason--and accept him as such. This is
particularly true in larger lodges, where our
only contact with one another is in lodge. We
have a tendency to deal in "small talk'' or
merely talk about the weather, the degree work
or Masonic experiences. It's usually only after
we have gotten to know the brother pretty well
that we get around to asking, "What's your line
of work?" And we're usually surprised that his
"line" is different than we had imagined.
The man we have pegged as a lawyer may
turn out to be a bus driver. And the man we
thought might be an electrician could very
possibly be a dentist.
We arc usually surprised to learn of the vast~
amount of varied talent that congregates
around our altars. Good men from every walk
of life are truly attracted to the Ancient Greek.
It i.s a sad fact, however, that in our eagerness
to gain members, we neglect them by not using
their talents. During a candidate's progress
through tic three degrees, he is tic most
important person in the lodge. We heap all
kinds of attention upon him as we provide him
with the symbolic working tools. Then, once he
ha.s been raised to the Sublime Degree of a
Master Mason, we turn our attention to the
next candidate.
The newly-raised Mason has become a
statistic He's still in the darkness. He's
neglected. He has all of those shiny new
working tools. He has his "union card." But,
hi is "unemployed." There aren't any designs
Upon the trestleboard for him to use. He
becomes bored, frustrated, disinterested, a
stranger in a strange place, bewildered. It's an
easy thing for him to NOT come back to the
lodge room. Then it's an easy thing for him
NOT to pay dues to an organization that's not
interested in him. And he can easily, in a year
or so, show up as "dropped NPD."
There are some forward-looking lodges
which are doing something about such situa-
tions by making an earnest effort to get all of
heir members involved, including the NEW
Mason .
The first and foremost idea is to find out all
they can about each member of the lodge. Then
to match his skills, talents, abilities, and
interests to the needs of the lodge, taking into
account the physical limitations of each member.
To do this, involves a great deal of thought,
organization and WORK. Basically, what is
involved is: (a) developing a questionnaire
which will provide NEEDED information; (b)
devising a system to secure the information; (c)
compiling the information; (d) USING the
information; (c) maintaining and up-dating the
information; (f) making the information available to the progressive line.
In developing the questionnaire, considera-
tion must be given to what data is essential and
needed. Too many questionnaires are cluttered
up with questions that are useless. For instance,
can you imagine the responses you would get if
you had a blank to indicate "SEX"?
A basic form developed by the Masonic
Service and Education Committee of the Grand
Lodge of Michigan was used effectively by
many lodges in that jurisdiction. It included
these basic questions: name, address, business
telephone number, home phone, occupation,
special talents. Interested in participating as
follows: [ ] as an officer; [ ] a member of the
lecture team; [ ] organist; [ ] pianist; [ ]
soloist; [ ] Glee Club; [ ] choir; [ ]
Membership Committee; [ ] Education Com-
mittee; [ ] Intender; [ ] Trestleboard Editor;
[ ] Staff member; [ ] other
A notation at the bottom of the form
"Your suggestions for the improvement
of the lodge would be appreciated. A
self-addressed envelope is enclosed--
please send us your ideas. They will be
given careful consideration and will be
kept in strictest confidence. Send them
anonymously if you wish. We are
particularly interested in improving our
lodge programs to benefit and interest
you. If you have specific suggestions
please describe them."
If you are planning to use the questionnaire
to select committees, or to locate potential
sources for repair or maintenance work, you
would want to include questions regarding
hobbies, skills and talents. There are so many
Masons who have no interest or ability in ritual
work but who would delight in the opportunity
to prepare and serve refreshments; do cabinet
or electrical work; paint; or do landscaping and
gardening. They would like to be involved.
They want to do their part; to feel needed and
appreciated .
Shut-in Brethren have been found to be a
great source of energy in serving on "telephone
committee" used to remind the other Brethren
of lodge activities. In making the calls, they
learn of Brethren who fall under the heading of
"sickness and distress." They learn of widows
in need of assistance. They serve as the eyes and
ears of the lodge. Most of all, they find an
opportunity to serve the lodge and their
Brethren, and in doing it they are able to
minimize their own problems and loneliness.
You have no doubt heard the ridiculous
stories about the world-renowed Chef who
ended up as a mechanic in the Army; and the
electrical engineer who ended up as an Army
cook. Putting round pegs into square holes may
have bureaucratic advantages. However, experience shows that Masonic lodges function
much better if the members' skills are used to
fulfill lodge needs. It's an important function
of lodge leadership to put the right peg in the
right hole.
Following is a more elaborate Masonic
Lodge Talent Record which covers a wide
variety of talents. Armed with the information
provided by such a form, a Worshipful Master
or Warden can be better informed on who can
be put to work where.
Name of Member
Home address Phone:
Business address Phone:
Formal education
Masonic Birthday
Major interests
Physical limitations
Members of family with special skills, hobbies, and
Posting of Candidates
Being an Intel/instructor
Degree Lecturer
Sick Visitation
Attend Funeral Services
Exhibit hobby collection
Prepare Educational items
Give Book Reviews
Library Work
Masonic Research
Write for Lodge periodical
Present Masonic talks
Temple maintenance
C~ carpentry
~ other
Committee work
Take part in plays
Visit other Lodges
C~ pianist
C~ soloist
C~ choir
C~ organist
~~ Glee Club
Audio/Visual Equipment
Liaison with other bodies
Telephone Committee
Youth Activities
Take photographs
Help with refreshments
Becoming an officer
Other work
Present music
Take part in plays
Assist in serving refreshments
Exhibit hobby collection
Take part in an entertainment
Take photographs
Other work
(For more practical discussions of the Masonic
"work ethic," be sure to read next month's
Short Talk Bulletin, "WORK" by Brother
Alphonse Cerza.)
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