STB-July, 1978
Music on this page is: piano sonata no. 3. in bb Movement #3 rondo by Brother Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart
This Bulletin is based upon an article written
by Bro. Robert W. Hassell of Newtown Lodge
No. 427, Past District Deputy Grand Master of
the 8th Masonic District of the Grand Lodge of
F.&A.M. of Pennsylvania. We appreciate Bro.
Hassell sharing these thoughts with us and trust
that they will be used to promote harmony and
understanding .
Masonic Speakers are a very special breed of
individuals. who have the ability and willingness
to share their knowledge and experience with
their Brethren. They spend many hours
researching their material; more hours in
planning, organizing and preparing their
presentations; and, in many cases, they spend
long hours of travel to deliver their talks. For
their dedicated service to the Craft, they deserve
certain considerations, courtesies and
recognition which are often overlooked. This
paper is designed to discuss some of the protocol
and common courtesy Masonic speakers should
be accorded.
Planning for a speaker should start early. The
more time a speaker has to prepare his
presentation the better it will be. The invitation
to speak should always be confirmed in writing
well in advance of the date. This will preclude
last minute embarrassments as to time, date,
place, length of talk, etc.
Finding a Masonic speaker is not really much
of a problem. Obvious sources are the speakers
bureau maintained by the Grand Lodge,
Scottish Rite Valleys, Chapters, Councils or
Commanderies of the York Rite, and Lodges of
Research .
A Symbolic Lodge should take stock of its
members. The old adage that a prophet is not
without honor, save in his own country, can be
paraphrased to "a speaker is not without honor,
save in his own organization." Most Lodges
probably number among their members officials
of local, county or state historical commissions
or societies, who would be happy to talk about
those activities.
As soon as a Brother is elected Junior Warden
of his Lodge, he would be wise to start a file on
speakers he has heard in his visitations to sister
In looking over printed speeches it is well to
keep in mind a quotation attributed to
Archibald Philip Primrose, the Earl of
Roseberg, dating back to the middle of the
nineteenth century: "Few speeches which have
produced an electrical effect on an audience can
bear the colorless photography of a printed
Having secured a speaker, one should treat
him in much the same manner one would treat a
guest in his home. He should be made to feel as
much at home as if he were in his own Lodge.
Some Lodges use the slogan: "there are no
strangers here, only friends we have not yet
met." Certainly it is a sine qua non that he be
introduced to the officers, and if a dinner
meeting, to those with whom he will be sharing
the head table.
Speaking of the head table brings to mind a
classic "blooper" committed by this writer some
years ago. The speaker involved was a Past
Grand Master of a neighboring jurisdiction. As
agreed upon, he met me at my home, which was
located just a few miles from the Lodge, and we
both made what was for me an embarrassing
discovery. As a Past Master of the Lodge and the
one who would introduce him, I was dressed in a
tuxedo; he was in a business suit. He took one
look at me and came forth with the perfect,
gentlemanly reprimand, "Gee, if you had told
me the dress for the affair was tuxedo, I could
have arranged to rent one."
This conveyed a lesson I have never forgotten.
We must bear in mind that customs in any one
jurisdiction are by no means universal. The Uni-
versality of Freemasonry is a well established
fact but does not pertain to such local customs
as this.
Having selected a speaker, it would in many
cases be best to extend the courtesy of carte
blanche in regard to his topic. However, to aid
him in selecting a suitable topic, certain facts
should by all means be given to him. If possible,
a personal meeting should be set up with the
speaker, at which time he should be given the
objectives of the meeting and his role in the
attainment thereof. By all means, the speaker
should be apprised of the type of audience. If it
is a meeting at which ladies will be present, he
should most certainly be so informed. If, on the
other hand, only members of the Lodge will be
present, he should be cautioned as to the
presence of Entered Apprentice Masons and
Fellowcraft Masons in addition to the Master
Masons. Certain phrases and topics obviously
would be omitted if the speaker were aware of
the fact that not everyone in his audience had
attained the rank of Master Mason.
The time limits for the talk should be clearly
indicated. In this respect Publius Syrus back in
the First century, B.C. admonished: "Keep the
golden mean between saying too much and too
little." An old Army adage conveys much the
same thought by using the acronym KISS -
"Keep it short, stupid." Then, too, there is
another saying that the mind can absorb only as
much as the seat can endure.
If the speaker wishes to use audio visual aids,
then planning for this must be done in advance.
Some speakers require a podium or lectern,
others prefer not to use them. This, too, should
be planned for. It is important to know whether
the speaker will provide his own equipment and
operate it personally or whether he will depend
upon the Lodge to supply the necessary
equipment and experienced Brother to operate.
If the speaker will make use of charts and/or
signs, plans should be made for someone to act
as an assistant to the speaker to turn charts,
hold up signs, etc., as needed. When the speaker
is a particularly well-known authority in his
field, members of the audience may desire to
tape his speech. If so, permission must be
obtained prior to the meeting.
As a courtesy to the speaker, he should be
included on the mailing list for any meeting
promotion material. He should be requested to
provide a photo and a biography for the
program if one is to be printed, and for advance
newspaper publicity. (Some jurisdictions
prohibit any newspaper publicity in advance of
the meeting and will approve only an account of
it after it has taken place.)
Fees and expenses of the speaker should be
agreed on in advance. If the speaker is travelling
from a distant area, he should be offered the
choice of overnight accommodations at a local
hotel or motel with the option of bringing his
wife along. Some Lodges have organized things
so that the officers' wives get together at one of
their homes while the husbands attend the
meeting. If this is the case, it would be
thoughtful to invite the speaker's wife to join
If the speaker is an unmarried man or if his
wife has other plans, he should be invited to
bring along a fellow Mason for company on his
journey to and from the meeting.
Then, too, there are speakers who, for one
reason or another, may not and should not drive
at night. In this case he should be assured that
one of the Brethren of the Lodge will be happy to
come for him and then drive him home
If the speaker from a distance chooses the
option of staying overnight at a motel, it would
be considerate to designate someone to meet
him and assure that the accommodations are
adequate. In the event he is accompanied by his
wife, a nice touch would be to include a bouquet
of flowers.
When the occasion for the meeting is the
celebration of some special anniversary of the
Lodge--such as fifty, seventy-five, or a hundred
years--and a history of the Lodge has been
written for the occasion, the speaker should be
provided with a copy well in advance of the
Every effort should be made to make the
speaker feel welcome and at ease. After all, he is
doing a real service for the Lodge and for the
Brethren .
The Brother who is to introduce the speaker
would do well to review and coordinate his
introduction with the speaker in advance. The
introduction, of course, will depend upon how
well-known the speaker is to the Brethren. It's
like the appetizer at the beginning of a meal; a
small but tasty serving. Remember, the speaker
is providing the main course. The introduction
needs only to establish the credentials of the
speaker and make him feel welcome--not too
short--and not too long.
The comedic introduction of "Our speaker
needs no introduction, so I won't bother to
introduce him," might draw a laugh, but it does
nothing for the ego of the speaker. At the other
extreme, the speaker may become ill-at-ease if a
lengthy introduction lists all of his titles,
memberships, accomplishments, and genealogy.
It is well to check with the speaker beforehand
to determine what he would prefer to be
included - or excluded. Care, too, must be given
to the use of correct titles, and correct
pronunciation of the speaker's name.
Let us return to the question of a fee for a
Masonic speaker. Many Masons are reluctant to
accept remuneration for something they enjoy
doing out of love for the Fraternity. If such is the
case, there are many nice alternatives: for
example, a donation in the name of the speaker
to a favorite Masonic charity or fund such as the
Masonic Home operated by the Grand Lodge of
the Jurisdiction in which the speaker resides, or
to a building fund of his own subordinate Lodge.
This, or any other gift or certificate, can be
presented at the close of the talk when he is
thanked for his presentation.
This oral thank you should then be followed
up within the next few days with a formal thank
you note sent to the speaker at his home.
Finally, the officers of the Lodge should
evaluate the speech and the effectiveness of its
presentation and take note of any special
problems that arose, in order that such
problems, if any, may be avoided in the future.
He who acts upon the Square
Will always well with all compare.
The Mason uses tools of love
To build a Temple planned above.
The Gauge he constantly employs
To measure work and limit joys.
The Plumb imbues his soul and heart
With love Divine and sacred art.
The Level guides his daily act
And makes good fellowship a fact.
If we employ these tools each day
A beautiful Temple will be our pay.
(Silas Shepherd)
Masonic speakers - bless them - labor in the
Masonic vineyards spreading Masonic Light. It
is through their labors that many Masons
receive the inspiration and motivation to
commence their own labors in Masonic
education. Let's show them the courtesy and
appreciation they deserve.
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