Officers for the Year 2003 - 2004
Installed on July 15, 2003
Background Music = Stardust by Brother Nat "King" Cole
| WB William Farris |
Worshipfull Master |
WB Douglas Swinson | Senior Warden |
Bro. Mathew Gibbons | Junior Warden |
WB Martin Tukett | Treasurer |
WB Robert Schmidt | Secretary |
WB Russell Sanden | Chaplain |
WB Erwin Wolfel | Senior Deacon |
WB Eric Campbell | Junior Deacon |
WB Gail Wyatt | Senior Steward |
Bro. Jeff Anderson | Junior Steward |
WB Leroy Gabrielson | Marshall |
Bro. Herb Eckstine | Tyler |
© David F. Warner |
This website does not speak for the Grand Lodge of Illinois or Freemasonry in general
©David Warner, 2000
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