Music on this page is: "Its Only A Paper Moon" by Brother Paul Whitman

”WML Award 2006”
Making Good Men Better

Geo. Washington Past Master Award

The "
Geo. Washington Past Master Award" depicts Brother and President Washington in the character of a past master. The graphic shows Brother Washington in a Lodge of Freemasons. A debt of gratutide is owed to John J. Kestly-George Washington Lodge 60/65, Rota Spain for this outstanding, historical graphic.
If you would like to apply for these awards, please click here: KISS Websites Awards

Masonic Award for Excellence
Dear Bro.,
Your site is awarded by our LA FRATERNITE No.54 Lodge, Brussels, Belgium :
LA FRATERNITE No.54 Lodge, Brussels, Belgium
(9-08-2006) Fraternity, my Bro.
Bro. Danny "Wally" G. Wallaert, RWM

Date: Monday, December 4, 2006 2:03 AM
Hello David,
You get the awards just because you have twice as many Masonic Web Sites then I do. Well, actually the sites deserve it also. 6 awards attached, Also you will find a retouched photo of Cherry Valley Lodge. I hate dark pictures.
The links for the sites are listed below,

Date: Monday, December 4, 2006 7:27 AM
Dear Brother:
Congratulations! Your sites are "Positive Masonic Presence(s) on the Web" and are certainly qualified to receive our 2006 Award.
It was indeed a pleasure to visit your sites.
Please find your Award attached.
Best wishes to you and the Officers and Members of your Lodge and the Lodges served by your sites.
Sincere fraternal regards,
Steven A. Morrison, 33?
Valley Secretary/Web Master

Valley of Philadelphia, AASR

12/2/06 8:24 AM
Dear Bro. David, after careful review of all of
your websites, I have found that they meet/exceed the requirements outlined in
our Award criteria. Therefore, it is my order, as Webmaster of Daylight Lodge
#760 F&AM, as well as my distinct honor and privilege, to present to you
with the "Daylight Lodge #760 F&AM Freemasonry Around the World Award", for
your outstanding efforts to promote our beloved Fraternity and for spreading the
Light of Freemasonry to the online community worldwide. You have devoted quite
some time on these sites and they have you to thank for your hard work and
Darrell G. Waddell -
Daylight Lodge #760 F&AM Louisville,

Daylight Lodge #760 F&AM

King Solomon Award of Masonic Website Excellence!
C.F.Spencer Masonic Lodge No: 1384 A.F. & A.M.
December 6, 2006
My Brother,
It is with the utmost respect I present to you the King Solomon Award of Masonic Website Excellence! I find all of your Lodge Websites a compliment to the world of Free Masonry!
For your pleasure please find attached the King Solomon Award for you to place upon all Websites to which you have submitted to me.
Thank you once again for your request!
Most Respectfully & Fraternally Yours,
I Am,
James Everett Whisman,Past Master & Webmaster
C.F.Spencer Masonic Lodge No: 1384 A.F. & A.M.
Pearland,Texas United States of America

Hiram Abiff, King of Egypt award

" Hiram Abiff, King of Egypt award "
Award issued to The 3rd Northern District of the Grand Lodge of Illinois AF & AM
Award Issued on 12/31/2006 ©

The Award of "Working the masónica excellence" that is granted by the Respectable Symbolic
Lodge of Temple no. 81 to These Web sites and to the Webmaster.
Premio por Excelencia Masónica
Sitio Web
Premio obtenido Enero 01, 2007

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