Music by Brother J. L. F. Mendelssohn.
By: Gurnee Bridgman
Bro. Gurnee Bridgman is a Past Master of
Poynette Lodge #173, Poynette, Wisconsin and
a Past Master of Sunrise Lodge #130, Fargo,
N.D. Bro. Bridgman now lives in Bemidji, MN.
He is an ardent "ham" radio operator!
This Short Talk Bulletin is more technical than
we normally publish. However, the subject of
"ham" radio has always been one of great
interest. We realize that Short Talk Bulletins
must be of interest for many years and we know
that some of the information contained in this
STB will eventually become outdated. MSA will
make every effort to keep ourfiles current so
that you may contact us for correct addresses.
There are many ways to have Masonic communication, some well known and some not.
One of the ways that is not as well known is participation through amateur 'ham' radio. Ham
radio has been in existence since the early '20's,
with many Masonic ham (and for that matter,
Eastern Stars too) regularly active on the air.
With the growing level of technological
sophistication, many would-be hams have
expressed concern that obtaining a ham license
and then participating would be too formidable
and costly a challenge. Nothing could be further
from the truth. There are harns as young as
eight, and we have seen others get their license
at eighty. All it takes is a bit of study and perseverance, coupled with the desire to obtain a ham
How does ham radio interact with Freemasonry? What do hams that are Masons do on
the air? Virtually anything that isn't esoteric
would be discussed on the air. Subjects range
from simple Brother-to-Brother conversation, to
whatever the current topic of interest is at the
moment. What's happening in their families, the
weather, what's happening at Lodge, or setting
up a schedule to meet personally at an upcoming
convention--it' s nothing different than one
would cover in normal face-to-face conversation, except that this is over the air, and the distances between those talking might be across the
state, across the country, or perhaps on a different continent. One especially worthwhile
endeavor is "getting on the air" from Shrine or
other local hospitals and letting the patients talk
with their families (and at holiday season with
Santa Claus), especially when that family is far
enough away to make normal visits impractical.
Or perhaps, just informing a Brother, who might
be away for the winter as to what is happening
at the local lodge level. Subjects cover virtually
anything that you would talk about with a
Brother--weather, vacation plans, lodge visitations, potential candidates, how proficiency
study is coming along. You name it, it's discussed.
What is required to get a license? For entry
level licenses, even the Morse Code is no longer
required. However, most communication--fraternal or otherwise--is conducted on frequencies for which some code proficiency remains in
force (due to international regulations to which
the United States is a signatory participant). The
several license grades and their requirements
follow. . .
Novice and Tech--Permits local 'high band'
communication. No code
requirement. Requires
passing two tests covering
FCC regulations and
elementary theory.
Technician Plus--Requires the same written
Most of the HF (high frequency) communication takes place in the band permitted by the
General Class license. Quite often the place
(frequency) where ham Masons meet is a regular 'meeting spot,' so you will know right where
to be at the right time. Some of the Masonically
oriented nets follow
Name of Net Dav Time~ Frequency~ Listen For
tests as above, and pa
code proficiency.
An additional theory test,
and 13 WPM code
An additional theory test.
No further code
A final theory test. Code
proficiency at 20 WPM.
Masonic Fellowship Mon-Fri 16:30UCT 14,328mH7 WA6VYO Lee
Intemational Shrine Sat 14,30 "
UpperMidwest"Hosp. Sun 8:00AM 3,913 "
Ohio Masonic " 02:30UCT 3,865 "
ChicagoMasonic Thur 01:00" 7,268 "
Masonic & Shnne " 02:00" " "
~UCT=Universal Coordinated Time UCT is calculated on a 24
hour clock, and is six hours ahead of Central Standard and
five ahead of Central Daylight time. Example--01:00 UCT is
one o'clock in the moming in Greenwich, England, the spot
from where world- wide time is figured. At O1:OO AM there,
it is 7:00 PM Central Standard Time (local) time Midwest
time zone (and on the previous day). Adjust accordingly for
other USA time zones, and recognize that times may change
during Daylight Saving Time.
** To receive and understmd what is said on these
frequencies, you need a special type of radio, one that can
receive upper/lower side band. Check with your local radio
store for further info on this aspect.
Physics and atmospheric conditions also play a
big part in reception. Sometimes you will hear
the nets on, sometimes not. As a general rule
during the day, reception shortens up. At night it
lengthens out. Distance covered also lengthens
out as the frequency is increased. For example,
you will probably easily hear the Masonic
Fellowship Net and the International Shrine Net
throughout the country all year. Conversely,
nets on the lower frequencies will only be heard
in various parts of the country. This will be more
localized during daylight times, but they oftentimes can be easily heard during nighttime. The
author will provide a list of nets to anyone who
would like them, just provide a self addressed
stamped envelope.
Ham radio has many other facets that may be
of interest. One is called 'slow-scan' TV. This is
slightly different than what you would see on
home TV, but in this case the pictures can be
sent around the world. Here' s a way to converse
Masonically with (for example) an Australian
Brother on a face-to-face basis.
What about study guides to get a license? They
can be purchased from Radio Shack, or a store
that sells ham gear. All the questions and
answers on the exams are given verbatim in
these guides. A better way, though, is to contact
a local ham, and ask where classes are held in
your local area. It's easy to spot hams too. Most
feature their ham 'calls' on their car license
plates, or have antennae on their cars. Or you
can contact the parent organization of ham
radio--The American Radio Relay League/
1-800 326-3942.
Another common misconception about ham
radio is that it is expensive. Not so, you can get
into ham radio for a modest investment of several hundred dollars. Such gear would be more
than adequate to participate in the Masonic nets.
My recommendation is to start small and grow
as you enjoy and become more familiar with
ham radio.
Several Shrine Temples even have ham radio
units. Zuhrah in Minneapolis has ZARC
(Zuhrah Amateur Radio Club); El Jebel in
Denver has RadOps. Others use hams in their
Director's Staffs. What do these hams do? They
provide communication at parades, during circuses, support for community functions, or
whatever else might be needed.
Masonic Ham Radio--it's a little known facet
of the Craft. It's a rewarding way to tie into
an enjoyable, rewarding hobby with fraternal
interest. If I can be of any assistance to any
Brother who might be interested in becoming a
ham, please feel free to contact me. My addresses
Gurnee Bridgman
12770 Portage Lane NE
Bemidji, MN 56601-7158
(2 1 8) 243-2002
Internet: Gurnee@VAX l.Bemidji. MSUS.
CompuServe: 7313 1 ,2754
Packet radio:
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