What Is Freemasonry? |
Grand Master, Grand Lodge A.F. & A.M. of Missouri February 16, 1998 ~~ 5998 Anno Lucis Freemasonry Is:
Without an expressed belief in these principles, no man
can ever become a Freemason. Acceptance of the Fatherhood of God is the
very foundation of the Masonic Institution; from this Fatherhood
logically flows the Brotherhood of Man.
The Masonic Fraternity stands before the world Since its founding, dynasties have come and gone, nations
have been born and buried, and countless orders and societies have been
organized and passed into obscurity. Our Order alone has maintained its
ancient organization, teaching its lessons of love, peace on earth,
goodwill toward man, and is today greater and stronger than it has ever
Freemasonry is a broad system of Morals and Ethics. That
is, a science of human duties, whose principals are accepted by all
religions as essential to human excellence. The cornerstone of these
principles rests upon the recognition of a Divine Truth that mankind has
a common origin and a common destiny; and that God is the Creator and
Father of all of us. Out of that relationship with Deity grows the
Brotherhood of Man. Freemasonry’s great purpose is to intensify that
relationship. Thus, Freemasonry teaches love, faith, and duty, unites
man in the strong embrace of fraternal fellowship, and induces emulation
of who can best work and best agree. Freemasonry thus becomes a system
of spiritual education wherein is taught not only the virtues, but also
the useful lessons of everyday life.
The Temple of King Solomon signifies to us the Temple of
our bodies, that is, our Inner Spiritual Temple. The tools and
implements used in the building of Solomon’s Temple signify to us the
cultivation of the virtues to be practiced in the erection of the inner
spiritual temple of man. The traditions associated with Solomon’s Temple
serve as worthy examples for our imitation, and to inspire in us a love
of all that is good and true.
Freemasonry teaches us that the most important part of
life lies in the discharge of Freemasonry is not a mere pastime; not a mere amusement.
It is an active, living principle. Its ritual, its symbolism, and its
drama are not empty ceremonies. Formed and perfected over the centuries,
they serve to exemplify and impart important truths for mankind.
Freemasonry adapts its theories, its ethical thought, and its teachings
to the practical relations of life.
There are no dogmas in Freemasonry. Its so-called
"secrecy" is confined to simple means of communication and methods of
recognition. Its tenets are universally approved. What Freemasonry
condemns no good man upholds. The essence of Freemasonry is character. A
man is what he does. The Mason’s manhood and worth is not measured by
wealth, fame or fortune, but by faithful, consistent and unselfish
service. In like manner, the measure and worth of any institution is the
effect it has upon the individual and society.
What has Freemasonry given to mankind and society? It
paved the way for freedom of speech. It has ever been the enemy of any
power that suppressed free thought and the enslavement of the mind. It
rejects the bigotry and superstition that erected inquisitions and
persecution of all types; and the ignorance and fanaticism that invented
instruments of torture and deprivation. It points out to man that free
thought and free speech, and the study of the sciences, are necessary
for mankind’s mental and intellectual emancipation; that the study of
nature brings man’s soul nearer to his Creator; and that knowledge
drives out ignorance and superstition. It has taught mankind that, after
he has emancipated himself from the vices that tyrannize and oppress, he
must learn to govern himself wisely by practicing the Cardinal Virtues
of Freemasonry: Temperance, Fortitude, Prudence, and Justice.
Man is a social creature. As such, our nature compels us
to seek the companionship of others. We, therefore, see our Brothers and
their families, animated by the same noble purpose, meeting in the Lodge
where they can feel the hearty touch of the hand, hear words of
inspiration and encouragement, and enjoy the pleasure, entertainment,
and fellowship of this time-honored institution. While gathered in these
great assemblies, we confer our ceremonial degrees, provide relief to
the indigent, assistance to the worthy, and administer systems of care
to those who are less fortunate. Freemasonry is all of this and much,
much more. Beneath and beyond all of these is the deep, permanent
passion for the betterment of the Brotherhood of Man. Freemasonry, as
the handmaiden of religion, benevolence, and morality places before man
the incentives to goodness through the contemplation of the Holy
Principles of Divine Truth.
Freemasonry has ever been the patron of learning. Its votaries long
ago discovered that ignorance was the mother of nearly all of the evils
and dangerous environments that afflicted humanity; that education
dispelled this evil, set free the victims of its influence, and put a
smile where terror and despair had planted sorrow. In its unending
efforts to eliminate such human afflictions, Freemasonry has perhaps
performed its greatest labor, breaking down the walls of religious
hatred and intolerance that for too long divided men into opposing sects
and hostile camps. The great religious ecumenical councils of today, and
the religious tolerance and mutual understanding they endeavor to
convey, has been the foundation and practice of Freemasonry since time
immemorial. The Freemason is thus prepared through ceremonies, ritual
and moral lessons to undertake his grand mission to teach, by precept
and example, all that is beautiful and useful in this life, and to
prepare for life hereafter.
After all of the great lectures on philosophy have been delivered,
when the wisest statesmen shall have done their utmost to alleviate what
is harsh and cruel in social conditions, and science shall have
unraveled the mysteries of the universe, there will still be the
necessity for a kindly smile, a helping hand, a cup of cold water, and a
quiet word of encouragement. It is because Freemasonry has ever given
the cup of cold water, extended a hand to one who has fallen, and spoken
the words of comfort and cheer, that millions of good men of every
religion and culture, and from every corner of the world have knelt at
its altar.
It is these same men, Brothers in spirit and deed, with eyes uplifted
and hearts responsive to the needs of those who are journeying through
life with them, that form the Masonic Fraternity throughout the world.
It is the good and true men of this Brotherhood that live with the great
satisfaction which comes only from relieving suffering, dispensing
happiness, and to aid the unification of mankind.
Our charitable efforts today are many. The Masonic family encompasses
many different organizations. Men's This, my friends, is Freemasonry. May it live on through us for
countless ages, and may we be ever worthy to spread Masonic Light for
the generations yet to come.
To these, our principal beliefs and poetic truths, we say as our
forefathers did before us: "So mote it be." We hope that men of a higher
character who seek to share in our Brotherly Love, who wish to
contribute to the relief of others less fortunate, and who use Divine
Truth as the cornerstone of all their endeavors will consider joining
the oldest, largest, and most prestigious fraternal organization in the
world – Freemasonry.
© Copyright 1998.
Jeffrey O. Nations. All rights reserved.