Contact Form - Missouri Freemasonry - District #34

Are you interested in becoming a Freemason?  Are you 18 years of age or older?  Do you live near or within easy driving distance of Ash Grove, Bolivar, Buffalo, Pleasant Hope, Republic, Springfield, Stratford, or Willard, Missouri?  If you answered yes to the previous three questions, and you want someone to get in touch with you, then take a couple of minutes and fill out the form below.  It will send an email to the webmaster, who will in turn put you in touch with someone who can answer any questions you may have and can set you up with a petition to become a member if you want to join.

None of the information you provide will be used for any other purpose than to get someone in contact with you, so you do not have to worry about sharing your email address or phone number with us.  Please allow 7 days for someone to get in touch with you after completing the form. If you do not hear from anyone after 7 days, either complete the form again and tell us this is your second attempt, or send an email directly to the webmaster at

Thank you for your interest.

Notice:  This form was malfunctioning during the months of December and January.  It has been fixed and tested.  If you tried to submit a contact request and never heard from anyone, please complete this form once more.  If you do not get a "Thank You" page, then contact me by email at and I will get in touch with you and check the form for errors.

Enter Your Name:  (required)
City of Residence:  (required)
State of Residence:  (required)
Email Address:  (required)
Evening Phone Number: (required)
Are you 18 year of age or older? Yes   No
Lodge location you're interested in:
Ash Grove Bolivar Buffalo
Pleasant Hope Republic Springfield
Stratford Willard No Preference
If you have no location preference, check the day(s) of Week you are available for meetings? (Check all that apply)
Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday
Friday Saturday Sunday  

Tell us a little bit about yourself and how you learned about the Masonic Fraternity.