Document TitleRockton Masonic Lodge #74.htm
Welcome to the Web Site of Rockton Lodge #74 A.F. and A.M.
Located at 118 W. Main St. Rockton Illinois, 61072   GET A MAP!
152 Years of Freemasonry
Stated meetings were at 7:30 PM on the Second And Fourth Thursdays of every Month.
Picture of the lodge Hall
Rockton Lodge #74 and Roscoe Lodge #75 Merge!!

At the July 2001 meeting the members of Roscoe Lodge voted to approve the merger of Roscoe Lodge #75 with our sister lodge Rockton Lodge #74. This was the official date of our merger since Rockton had previously proposed it to us and voted in favor of the merger the previous month. The Charter of Rockton Lodge was surrendered to the Grand Lodge and the combined lodge will still be called Roscoe Lodge #75. A commitee was appointed to look into options regarding the dispensation of the Rockton Lodge Properties, ie Lodge Hall building and furnishings, working tools, etc.

9 - 11 - 2001

Yes, on this day which will live in infamy, Roscoe lodge # 75 A. F. & A. M. under dispensation of the Grand Master of the state of Illinois held its first meeting of the combined Rockton #74/Roscoe #75 Lodge in the lodge hall of Rockton Lodge #74. Prior to the meeting a buffet lunch was enjoyed by all and a nice memorial cake was served. The celebration was muted by the facts of the day and the loss of Rockton Lodge. Lodge was opened at the usual time of 7:30 by the officers of Roscoe lodge #75 on the third degree for business. After the usual order of busness lodge was closed, and the members and guests either went home or retired to the dining room to partake of some more cake and clean up. Some of us I feel were somewhat reluctant to go home as this was the last masonic meeting to be held in this building. The end of an Era in more ways than one.

Wednesday, May 8th 2002 --

The non -Masonic related furnishings of Rockton Lodge #74 were auctioned to the public.

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This website does not speak for the Grand Lodge of Illinois or Freemasonry in general

©David Warner, 2000
LAST UPDATED 03/11/2010 10:35:35.
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