N.J. Free and Accepted Masons

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Web Content Robert J Petruzzi, P.M.

Phone: 609-992-3048

E-mail: bob@mastermason.us

Text Box: Information and instruction from 
R.W. Gerald J. Sharpe
District Deputy Grand Master

Masters, Secretaries and brethren of the Twenty Third district

Another fine job done by the Officers and Brethren of the 23rd Masonic District
at our Grand Lodge of Instruction held on Tuesday 5/11/10!

I had put out a challenge to the district to have at least one person from each lodge 
try out for a lecture and your response was loud and clear—
Congratulations to the Brethren who received their bars that evening.

Brethren, you have set the bar very high for the rest of the state during their GLI’s!

Thank You, you made me honored to be your 
District Deputy Grand Master of this 23rd District!

Gerald J. Sharpe, DDGM


