Text Box: HOME

This informal list includes sites of general masonic interest; if you have news of any other sites (especially those connected with Shropshire and other areas of England and Wales) for inclusion, please e-mail me. Please note that inclusion of a site on this list does not necessarily imply the approval of this Lodge nor of the United Grand Lodge of England and Wales. Masons should follow the usual guidelines before making contact with Brethren from other Grand Lodges.

Text Box: www.grandlodge-england.org                  United Grand Lodge of England’s home page
www.shropshirefreemasons.co.uk           The Provincial site for Shropshire, including contact details
                                                                        for most Shropshire lodges and Royal Arch chapters

www.gomasonry.com                                 GoMasonry - a general site - includes search engine
www.4masonry.com        Free resources for Masonry online, including web graphics and e-mail
www.mastermason.com                    Another Masonic site - free Masonic webspace now available
http://web.mit.edu/dryfoo/Masonry       Masonic information and links. Claims to be the world’s
                                                                           oldest Masonic web-site
www.masonic-network.com/                     The Global Fraternal Network. Chat rooms, recipes, jokes..
www.thefreemason.co.uk                           The Freemason - UK based site (.com for worldwide)
www.toye.com                                             Toye, Kenning & Spencer for online regalia sales
www.geocities.com/Athens/Acropolis/8291/musica.html    Masonic music site (Mozart especially)
http://users.iol.it/fjit.bvg.freemas.html     Masonic Education site - various languages

www.geocities.com/trimblelodge             A New Jersey lodge - also numbered 117 !!!
www.travis-lodge.com                                Lodge 117 under the Grand Lodge of Texas
http://internet.lodge.org.uk                        Join the Internet Lodge number 9659
www.sirjoshuareynoldslodge.org.uk       This Plympton lodge has a distinguished Shropshire link!